Chapter 10: traveling part 2 and meeting Rose jaeger

Start from the beginning

"Good afternoon Prince Eren," We hear Clarissa greet.

"Claris is my tux ready for the ball?" Eren asked.

"Yes of course it is do you doubt my sewing skills? A pin strip black and red suit and mask to match." Clarissa teased. Eren laughed as it took all my strength not to run out there and hug him and the way it looked it was the same for Armin. Clarissa came back with a smile telling us not to worry that he didn't know we were here. I looked at her confused on why that would be a bad thing.

"Princess Rose wants to surprise her brother with your arrival. Prince Eren thinks your still a week away from being here." Clarissa explained.

"This princess is clever one." I muttered. Armin and Clarissa laughed at my muttering as we watched Clarissa begin to work on our clothes. She told us to run along and get something to eat and that she would bring them to the inn later tonight. I tried to pay her feeling guilty for not at least paying for it, but told me she was already paid by the princess. Ceil chuckled as he lead us back to the inn to get some food while waiting for Hanji to return. Armin and I were about to order when Hanji came in with so many books it was ridiculous.

"Oi four eyes your were supposed to get a dress not books." I scolded her. She waved me off saying not worry she had got one as well and would be delivered tonight. I rolled my eyes as I looked back at the waitress ordering just a cup of hot tea and soup. Hanji and Armin ordered something called the fish and chips with water. Armin and Hanji began to talk about the books as I looked out the window lost in thought.

"Eren. In two days I will see you again. You were so close today. Ugh this was torture being away from you. What will happen when we see each other?" I asked myself.
I jolted slightly when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see Armin telling my food and drink was here. I mumbled a thank you as I began to eat. I listened to Hanjis moans for her food and Armin asking her about what she thought of it.

"Omg shorty you have to try some! It's amazing!" Hanji yelled, shoving a piece of fish at me. I rolled my eyes taking the fish and took a bite. I looked down at it with wide eyes. This was really good. Hanji giggled at me making me glare at her as she kept laughing.

**I live in Maryland and we have the best fish and chips. It's to die for when you go to the harbor for it. 😍😍**

I laid some money down for my ordered and went upstairs to get some rest as the others decided to stay downstairs to talk some more on what they had seen. The room they gave us was cozy.

I walked into first room with a single bed to get some rest

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I walked into first room with a single bed to get some rest. I laid down while Nisa and Ceil curled up on the floor together. I smiled softly seeing how they looked good together. I started to frown about meeting Eren's sister and grandfather, the king of all vampires. Damn it who the hell wouldn't be nervous. I was about to sleep when I knock came to the door. I growled wanting to get some sleep for the long journey. I opened it to see Clarissa and another woman smiling at me.

"Good evening Levi, Rachel and I were just dropping off yours and your friends orders. I hope you didn't wake you." Clarissa said, with apologetic eyes and a smile. I waved her off telling her it was fine. I carefully took the packages before bidding them goodnight. I lifted the lid of my box and traced the fabric carefully. She did amazing job. I smirked up at the moon through the window. "Just you wait Eren. I will show you who's dominant in this relationship." I thought as I went to bed.

~Eren's prov~

Ever since Rose got grandfather to agree with the masquerade ball, she been acting very weird. Don't get me wrong she can be weird at times, but for her this was to much. She tried to stop me from going to the city to get my tux. I told her it was fine that I needed the fresh air. I rode into the city trying not to hit any of the kids as they ran at me. I couldn't help, but laugh as I climbed down to greet them with a smile while giving them hugs. I asked them to be my escorts to Clarissa's clothing shop. They smiled and nodded and followed me as I lead my horse by the rains as some of the kids rode him. When we arrived I thanked them kindly for their safety from the monsters. They ran over smiling waving bye as their parents called for them. It's strange being home again after so long, but it felt so right at the same time.

I walked in to find the counter empty which was weird unless Clarissa had a costumer in back. I was about to call for her when she came out with my order.

"Good afternoon Prince Eren," Clarissa greeted me.

"Claris is my tux ready for the ball?" I asked, smiling knowing she could have it done in one day. But apparently she wanted to make it special since it's for my return ball.

"Yes of course it is do you doubt my sewing skills? A pin strip black and red suit and mask to match." Clarissa teased me. I couldn't help but laugh as I shook my head no. I lifted the lid to see just exactly what I had ordered. I paid for the outfits thinking nothing of it since it was probably my sisters dress. I waved goodbye before heading out. It's strange I thought I smelt Levi and Armin near by, but it must be in my head. As I rode home I couldn't help, but think of my friends and adopted sister I left behind. I wanted them to know I was alive and well, but then again I was afraid on how they would react to see me alive after watching me get executed. I know Mikasa is probably morning my death while still in the military knowing her. As for the others they are probably morning, but also celebrating that they were finally free from the titans and exploring the world. I laughed to myself remembering the plans that we all made. I sighed when I realized I was home as I watched Rose fight one of the guards with hand to hand combat. I thought I was the other lonely one who had changed, but I was wrong.

Rose became the beautiful intelligent strong fiery woman who could defend herself and I wasn't there to watch it happen or help. I felt guilty, but proud at the same time that I could call her my sister. I wonder what happened to the shy scared timid girl that always hide behind me scared to make any friends at all. I watched her easily take down our best generals and soldiers which made me laugh. Oh yes she wasn't a little girl anymore. I think Levi and her would get along well since they both shockingly have the same OCD for cleaning.

"I can't wait to see you Levi. So you will be here and in my arms and in my bed. Oh yes I can't wait." I thought with a smirk. I couldn't help, but think like a prevert since mating season was coming up. I couldn't help it, but lick my lips with a smirk. "Oh yes this would be an interesting reunion in deed." I thought heading into the palace to get everything ready for my Levi's arrival.

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