Chapter 15: the lost of a friend

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~Eren's prov~

It's been two days since Erik's death and Rose was taking it really hard. I've feel like I've failed her. I couldn't protect her or our childhood friend and now she refusing to speak to anyone including me. Damn it. It wasn't supposed to turn out this way! Armin and Hanji were heading out in tonight to go get our friends to help us out to find out what the hell is going on. My grandmother and grandfather have double the security around the palace and villages to make sure no else gets killed. As for me I have been out in the training fields working myself to death as Levi put it.

"Oi brat! Are you ok?"

I turned around to see Levi my mate looking at me with worried eyes. I sighed as I walked past him to grab my towel to wipe down. I was about to put my shirt on when he touched my bare back with his forehead against my shoulder blades.

"It wasn't your fault, none of it is. Please stop beating yourself up for something that isn't your fault." He whispered to me. I balled my fists while silently crying knowing he was right, but I still felt like it was. The world is cruel and wicked at times, but the moments that are good make it a better place and I know Levi is only trying to help me see it. I turned around and hugged him close while crying into his shoulder. I felt him hug me back as I cried my heart out. Erik was my friend, my brother, and now he is gone; but in a better place.  I stood up while staying in Levi's arms with my forehead to his.

"I have a meeting with my grandfather and the generals and Ambassadors, do you think you can try to get Rose to talk or come out?" I asked with pledging eyes.

"I'll try brat, but I won't make any promises." Levi answered. I smiled and kissed him softly while whispering thank you as I went to go get ready for my meeting. As I was walking to my room I felt like I was being watched I quickly turn around to find no one there. I scanned the area one more time before heading on to my room. Little did I know I was right about being watched.

~the meeting~

When I had entered I bowed to my grandfather as the other did along with me. The ambassadors of all mythical creatures was here along with their generals and ours.

"As you all know we recently had a member of our group, a friend of the family murdered by silver poisoning. I have asked you all here to warn you and ask for your help to stop this before it causes a full blown out panic." Dracula said, seriously making me know this wasn't going to be a short meeting.  I heard a chair scrap against the floor to see Kouga Ashli the ambassador of the werewolves stand up.

"You have the werewolves at your services to you my lord, and I serve my humblest apology for your loss." Kouga stated, making me smile as I nodded thanking them all as they stood up saying that we had there support. Now the really business could begin. I just hoped Levi was making some progress with Rose while I'm stuck in here.

~Levi's prov~

After I watched my sad brat disappear I went to the kitchen to make some ironically blood tea. It was made so vampire women could enjoy it at their tea time while gossiping. I thanked the chief that helped me make it since it was my first time and took the tray to Rose's room. I knocked on the door to find it unlocked which was strange since Rose has had it locked for two whole days. I step back when the door opened to see her finance had opened it.

"Yes my I help you?" Sirius asked.

"I'm here to see Rose. We always have tea at this time and when she didn't show up for the last two days I got worried so I brought it to her." I lied, as I watched Sirius nod with a small smile. I stepped inside and placed the tray on the table to see Rose still in bed looking a complete mess which cause me to frown.

Brother come home!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora