Bullets and Blossoms

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She drew her pistols, shooting twice at whatever was unfortunate enough to be flying at them. Mey realised what she thought had been a bullet was an unfortunate bird that had smashed into the window. Undertaker just laughed, seemingly unaware there was an attractive woman lying on him, her chest pressed against his.
"Glad I'm not their butler." Once she was sure there was no danger, Mey reassessed the situation. She was lying on a handsome man who had suggested they go for a walk, just the two of them, in a deserted, quiet area while every possible witness was either asleep or piss-drunk. So she reacted properly and with careful thought in such a time.
She passed out, a small stream of blood dripping from her nose.
The reaper raised an eyebrow at the woman unconscious on his chest. Her long red hair concealed her face, it had long fallen from its pristine bun. Softly he tucked her hair back, giggling quietly. Adrian poked her cheek, and the woman released a semi conscious groan, her delicate looking hands curling up slightly. Her pale face and the little blood made her look even more attractive in the moonlight, her dress still hugging her figure yet the many silken skirts spread out around her like the petals of a flower. Though a little blurry, he saw the pistols she still gripped determinedly, and her slender arms were limp either side of his head. Mey's face nestled perfectly in his shoulder and he sat up, taking her with him. She smelt of vanilla. Wrapping one arm around her like he had done just earlier that day, he picked her up bridal style and carried her inside.
Of course, he really wasn't expecting her to wake up and almost shoot him.
In the face.
The young woman shrieked, and instantly drew her gun, holding it at the reaper's forehead.
"What the hell have you done to me?!" She hissed. The silver haired man just laughed.
"Now now, my dear Mey-Rin~! I did nothing but carry a fainted woman in from the cold~! Would you have preferred me to leave you to freeze?" Emerald eyes met hazel ones as she slowly holstered her weapon, and covered her leg back up with the dress.
"Oh...w-well...thank you..." she blushed, the near world around her a fuzzy mess. "B-but I have legs..I -I can walk, yes I can, Adrian...". Mey yelped as his grip on her tightened.
"Well, since you fainted on top of me, I think you should lie down, dearie~!". Mey tried not to look at him at all as she was carried into the Midford Manor.
"I-I fainted on you?! Oh god, I really did that, I did!" She yelped, covering her eyes with her slender hands. She was a machine, built for killing, but she wasn't serving her true purpose at all.

Ciel stirred slightly, and Sebastian withdrew his hand. The boy mumbled something and grabbed Sebastian's wrist.
"S-Sebastian...don't leave...". The demon smirked and nodded in reply.
"Would you like me to sleep next to you, master~?" He asked, not moving from his position leant against the headboard, still dressed in his dapper ball suit. His raven hair was back in its 'lecherous' state, but so many found him attractive it was hard to see what Lady Francis had a problem with. Anyway, there was a niggling thought at the back of his mind though. The maid had seemed to be completely off through the entire night, but since it was only a passing thought it was soon put to rest.
"Of course, Master~" laying down, he wrapped an arm around his lord. He was interrupted by a hand on his.
"Ciel.". The boy whispered quietly, burying his face in the demon's chest. Everything about this was so wrong. He knew that. Two males. A butler and a Master. A demon and a human. But to him, it was just right. He didn't care what anyone thought. Elizabeth didn't even cross his mind. He just felt...stirrings when he was with his loyal butler. Even the downright smell of him, a crisp clean scent, made Ciel want to be around him constantly, to feel his hands upon his skin.
"Pardon, master?"
"J-just call me Ciel. Wh-when it's only you and and I..." he whispered.
"Of course....Ciel~" the name sounded so foreign on his lips, yet somewhat natural. Such a strange name for a human. French for "sky"....he wondered what made his parents call him that. Ciel was all over his mind, but it was not the animalistic desire to consume him and his soul that kept him in the Young master's service.

Mey growled, stuck in the Undertaker's arms, and gave up her struggles. Every bone in her body was telling her to shoot him. She had known this man for 8 hours and already he was picking her up.
"You can put me down now." She said, her strong voice muffled by her hands. The lady found herself gently placed down on a chaise, about to snuggle into the rare luxury before springing to her feet, deep eyes narrowed.
"'Scuse me for being rude but...I-I-I've known y-you for a d-day Adrian..." She stepped back as he stepped forwards towards her, and fell back on the couch as the ridiculously tall reaper leant over her, smirking. Adrian's beautiful chartreuse eyes looked down at her, and the poor maid felt a stirring in the pit of her stomach that she hadn't felt since that same morning.
"Ahh..." she whimpered, going bright red. He seemed different now. Like the jovial, happy man she knew just then had been replaced with a more serious (dare she say sexy?) model. Mey looked down, almost as red as her hair that slipped from her bun and covered her face. It was slowly followed by the rest of the poor excuse for a hairstyle and for some reason, now the lustre of the party had faded, everything she had discovered that day came flooding back. Even when a heavy weight plopped down next to her she was not dragged out of her trance. Not until a hand with ridiculously long nails combed her hair back gently, and deep irises flicked to look at him.
"Wh-what a-are you d-doing..?" Mey yelped, as he leaned close to her. Bloody hell, this was the closest she'd ever been to anyone, ever...what should she do? Shoot him? Kiss him? Wait, why was that thought even in her damn mind?
"Hmm~" he chuckled lowly. "Your hair conceals your lovely face, sweet maid.". Suddenly, there was a cold feeling, like ice had been pressed to her face.
"H-hey-!" She cried out as Adrian's surprisingly soft lips pressed to her cheek. They lingered there for a second.

Adrian found the taste of her skin quite nice - not entirely unique, but extraordinarily pleasant nontheless. He withdrew, smirking as he got up.
"I'll see you around, Mey-Rin, my dear~ be sure to drop by the parlour sometime~!" With that he walked away with the grace of a prince, waving over his shoulder as he left. Definitely, if this woman died, he would make sure he got to see to her body. He looked back as he walked out, the pretty girl on the couch becoming a blur. To the maid, he too was a blur, and she pushed her glasses back onto her face. Mey's fingers brushed over the cold spot on her face that still remained, and sincerely hoped she would see him sometime again. But in just five minutes, all happy thoughts had fled her mind. Adrian's jolly presence had long disappeared and all that remained was the black aura of the afternoon's events. Somewhere in the manor the party still went on, though a majority of the guests had gone. It was sometime past midnight and she was left alone in a drawing room with only dark memories for comfort.
"Why...why did I..." Mey whispered to herself. Before she met him, she would have never ever even considered feeling such emotions like this for someone. But now she was weak, weak and soft, and events like these only made her feel things that were new, yet she never wanted to feel again. Sorrow. Heartbreak. Love. The maid couldn't stand it anymore. Hot tears flooded down her pale cheeks, but slower and more agonisingly than before. They dragged her careful makeup along with it - black and pale streaks down her face. Tears were then coupled with sobs of despair muffled by a cushion. Slowly Mey-Rin looked up, and fled to her room, clutching the cushion for dear life, diving onto the bed.
It hadn't been a normal night for her.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, she got changed into a bathrobe. Silently she thanked whatever deity on duty that Elizabeth had been generous enough to grant her a room with a small en suite bathroom - nothing fancy or special, but if she hadn't felt so awful Mey would have felt like a princess. The bath itself wasn't too small. Just big enough for her to squeeze into. 

Adrian chuckled lowly, packing up his belongings into a small briefcase. Honestly, tonight had reminded him of his days as a reaper. Scoping out the target, judging whether they lived or died - he missed it so much. Yet, he enjoyed the freedom living amongst humans gave him. Adrian was, and always would be, the legendary reaper. Thousands of years old, but with the body of an able man. He wasn't sure at what age his body had stopped aging...30, perhaps? Maybe younger. Ah, he didn't really care. The young woman he had met, though, did matter to him. She was quite interesting. It seemed as if like him, she too was blind without the use of glasses, but her deep hazel eyes saw things beyond the vision of a normal human. Also, the fact she had multiple weapons on her interested him. It was becoming more common these days for women to carry small guns, but she had at least three full size pistols. And two knives. Perhaps more. So, either she had a serious paranoia problem, or there was more to his sweet Mey-Rin than met his shortsighted eye.

She was a mess. Her pale face was streaked by makeup and her hair was a mess. She looked over at the sorry state her ball gown was in. The beautiful silken dress was muddy from her fall and one of the now off white gloves were missing. Mey looked the exact opposite now - perhaps someone who had been dragged through a hedge backwards at their prom. At least the water would be warm.

Yeah. It was just a shame she didn't have her guns within arms distance for what happened next.

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