Sweet and Sour

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Holding the maid's hand, they bowed in unison. The female was slightly red in the face and embarrassed, while the reaper was grinning wildly, and finally let go of her. He grinned at her, and just as the next dance began, he led her to the punch table.
"Oi! Oi, Mey!" Finny and Bard rushed to her, waving. She turned, smiling, her face regaining its noble, pale shade of cream.
"Hey, guys!" She giggled, straightening her gloves all ladylike. The Undertaker was busy downing some punch.
"You were really sumthin' out there, huh? Where'd ya learn to dance like that?" Questioned Bard. He folded his arms, looking at the Undertaker. "And why that guy? He seems a bit weird, huh?". Mey folded her arms.
"Hey! He's really nice, you know?!" She punched him lightly in the shoulder. Suddenly a loud chorus of "happy birthday" started up, and a gargantuan cake was carried through the doors at a tight fit. It took at least 2 men to carry it, and even then it was struggling. At last, they set it down on a table that looked far too unstable to support such a thing. There were sparklers adorning the baking monstrosity and the girl that it was all for approached with wonder in her eyes.
"Oh my!" She squeaked in such a high voice several guests' ears began to bleed. Not even metaphorically, they literally began to bleed.
Mey tilted her head. Never in her life had she seen something so pretty that was also edible. Well, Sebastian was edible, but that would be cannibalism, and she'd rather not think of him.

After the cutting of the cake, Mey found that even though it looked delicious, it wasn't to her taste. Finny and Bard seemed to love it though.
"Hey! Hey Mey! Try some of this!" Cried the gardener, rushing towards her with a plate of cake. Finny, being Finny, thrust the cake at her. The cake flew towards the maid who reflexively kicked it out the air. Straight at the Undertaker. And it splattered. All over his crisp white shirt. A collective gasp arose from the partygoers around them. And another noise. Undertaker himself was laughing hysterically, wiping tears from his eyes. Lord Midford looked at little confused.
"Uhh...Undertaker? Are you quite alright, good fellow?". Adrian nodded in reply, unable to speak due to laughter, and Mey held her hands to her mouth.
"Oh god! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I just- Augh, please don't be mad!" She started apologising quickly, her hazel eyes full of worry. "D-do you have another shirt or something?!". Adrian nodded, and the attention focused back on Lizzie who was giving a speech. No one could hear her, and the glasses were on the verge of breaking, so they just nodded like they knew things. Finny was busy sprinting back and forth, supplying numerous paper towels for the unfortunate reaper. Mey was bright red again, and would help but she didn't know if it was proper.

The Undertaker's shirt was eventually cleaned, and everyone returned to partying. The younger children and Lizzie herself had retired for the night, but the adults stayed behind anyway. Everyone just assumed Ciel was tired and had bed for the night, and Sebastian had gone to help. Finny too had gone, and Mey-Rin swore she was the only person not severely drunk in the room. Without warning, a stranger who looked suspiciously like Viscount Druitt approached Mey, smiling drunkenly.
"Good evening, my dearrr..." he slurred slightly, and the maid was a little disgusted and embarrassed. "How..'d you like to join me...somewhere private, hmm~?" The pig of a viscount tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders but she grabbed his wrist, twisting him away without much effort. The Undertaker was about to impale the bastard, but chuckled when he saw him beaten by a woman.
"My my, that was quiiite something, hmm~?" He offered her a glass of suddenly alcoholic punch but she turned it down.
"N-no, thanks..but, w-would you l-like to get some f-food or something? The party is g-gonna end soon, I think..." Mey stammered. She was sure she wasn't even tipsy, so why was she tripping up on her words? Her hazel orbs widened as Adrian grabbed her hand and lead her through the legions of drunk people dancing like special windmills. Sitting down, he patted the chair next to him and she followed. Mey began to laugh at the dancers, as a few of the men tripped over each other and within seconds a large pile of humans had formed on the floor. The Undertaker looked down at her. He still wondered where a maid got the skills and strength to toss a man away.
"Ugh...my head..." she groaned. It was giving her headaches to try and focus on things that were completely blurry to her.
"Are you Alright~?"..
The undertaker popped an eclair into his mouth, and held his hand out to Mey.
"Come now. A lady has no place among drunks, does she~?" He laughed as he made her blush, and her dark eyes were cast down to the floor. Gingerly she took his hand, and found herself being led outside. The young lady was a little worried and though she felt she could trust Adrian, her spare hand hovered over one of the pistols strapped to her thigh.
"Oh but my dear, I'm hurt~ and even if you could reach one of the 3 pistols on your person, you wouldn't last long against me." He didn't even look at her as he chuckled, instead just walking next to her and looking ahead with his dazzling emerald eyes.
"H-how did you know I-I had...?!" She hissed, taking her hand away from the holster at her left thigh.
"Would you believe me if I said it was intuition~?" Adrian laughed, and they stepped outside. "I won't bother asking what a maid is doing with pistols~". She sighed, glad he didn't push it. Mey was still shocked, but her inhuman hazel eyes did not fail to catch the glint far away in the moonlight.
"Adrian!" She yelled, and pulled him to the floor as the window behind them smashed to pieces.

(Nngh sorry for the weak SebaCiel part, low-key hate that ship but)
(and also despaceet)

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