Doctor : Relax Mr Maheswari let me check

After checking Swara Doctor turns towards Sanskaar who was standing there with worried expressions and said

Doctor : she is fine Mr Maheswari just fainted due to stress plz make sure she stays happy otherwise it will affect her health I hope you understand

Sanskaar(Relax) : ok Doctor and thanks for coming

Sanskaar shakes hands with Doctor and he left from there

Sanskaar sat besides Swara and caress her hais and just than door knocks

He gets up and goes towards the door and sees Samrat there

Sanskaar : Samrat you here what happened?

Samrat(Seriouse) ; Bahi there is a problem plz come we have to go

Sanakaar(Worried for Swara) : but Swara is not well I can't leave her in this condition

Samrat(eriouse Tone) : I know bro that's why I have asked a maid to stay with her till our return

Sanskaar : ok you go I'm coming

Samrat left from there and Sanskaar sees Swara who is sleeping due to medicine effect with pale face and also left from there


Sence - 3

In Office

Sanskaar and Samrat and Rohit were we're sitting in office and discussing about something confidential

Rohit(Anrily) : Sanskaar we have to do something that to fast as we have very less time of we loose this chance than we will not be able to gain it again

Samrat(Determined) : yah bro Rohit is right we have to caught her before he do something else

Sanskaar : ok than ask our informers to keep an eye on his every moment as this will be out last chance I can't afford much loss

Rohit : ok than we should leave now and yah take care of bahabi

Sanskaar : ok

Samrat left the office and Rohit was also leaving just than he stops and turns around towards Sanskaar

Rohit : Sanskaar I know why had you married to her but I will say only one thing don't punish those who are innocent as this can't full fill your revenge

Saying so he left from there making Sanskaar more restless as he was already thinking what to do now as he started feeling for her

Sanskaar angrily banged her hand on the table


Sence - 4

In SwaSan Room

After Sanskaar left the room a maid enters in the room and sat beside Swara

After some time Swara started to stirir in her sleep

Seeing Swara stiring in sleep the maid stand up and goes out to inform Sanskaar

Swara slowly open her eyes and looks every where blankly just than the memories of her parents started to come in His mind and she started crying badly as her father had slapped her she was hurt badly physically and mentally

Swara started to talk to herself

Swara(Crying & Talking to Herself) : I'm sorry I'm sorry Maa papa I know I have hurted you badly but I have to do this I can't see your lives in danger and too protect you both of I have to die than also I will accept it happily

She was crying remembring her child hood memories


Sence - 5

In Office

Sanskaar was very angry on Rohit how can he talks to him like that how can he say that I should not punish Swara how????

He was very much frustrated and just than room door opened and maid come there


Maid(Fearfully) : sir wo madam

Listeining to madam with he becomes worried thinking about Swara

Sanskaar(Worried) : what happened ? Is Swara alright ? Tell me why are you standing like this?

Maid : sir She has gained consiouseness that's why I came here to call you

Sanskaar feels relax and said

Sanskaar(Relax) : ok you may go now

Maid nodes and left from there

Sanskaar started to walk towards his room

When he was about to open the door he heard Swara's voice he stands there and open the door sligtly so that she can't see him and started to listein her talks

***********In Side The Room***********

Swara was crying

Swara(Talking to Herself) : Mom was right of it would have in my hands than I would never had married to a Boon especially a DON but I can't do anything now as it's my destiney my cruel Destiney I still Remeber what Goon do with people who didn't listein to them I can't bleive now I'm one of them if it would had in my hands I would have die Mom was right it's not my decision but now I also can't die as if I try to do that Sanskaar will kill my parents now I just hope that he does not do the same which that...,.no I can't think like that I even can't take his name just can't ....

She started to cry again saying this

***********Outside the Room***********

Sanskaar who had listeinwd all this was shocked

Sabskaar(monoluge) : About whom she is talking I have to find out it means my doubt was right that day also she was shouting on her sleep and now this I have to find the reason....

Thinking this he left from there to meet Samrat and Rohit......!!!


PERCAPE : What You All Want???


so here wa the Part i hope you all like it...!!!

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