Total Sadists

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My breath condensed in front of me and I couldn't help but grin at all the Christmas decorations as I strolled through downtown Miyagi. I pushed open the door to the cafe and sighed happily at the warm air and the smell of coffee around me.

"Maki!" came Oikawa's voice and I turned to see him, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki and Matsukawa all sitting in a booth.

"Hey" I smiled as I came over, sliding into the booth beside Oikawa "sorry I'm late, I was trying to master my Lutz jump and I didn't realise it got so late"

"It's fine" Iwaizumi laughed "Oikawa got you a hot chocolate"

"Thanks" I smiled happily, taking the mug in front of my to sip it "what time's the movie?"

"About an hour from now" Matsukawa checked his watch, I smiled as I felt Oikawa's fingers move through mine under the table and he held my hand on his leg. I blushed into my mug as I took a huge gulp. Soon after our short but sweet make out session in the ice rink, he's asked if I wanted a coffee. He'd then asked me on a date, to which I'd said yes. On said date, he'd kissed me again and held my hand and was very cute as he stumbled out a confession. We'd come to a mutual agreement to keep it secret as well, we weren't 100% sure what we were doing. Plus I liked living and I probably wouldn't if Oikawa's fans found out I was dating him.

"We should go if we don't wanna miss it" Hanamaki said and Oikawa's hand slid from mine as we walked out the Cafe. The streets were busy with Christmas shoppers as the five of us hurried through the cold towards the Cinema. I frowned as I saw a familiar tuft of grey hair down the street.

"Koushi?" I called, at that Suga spun round and I saw he was with Daichi and Asahi, all of them bundled up against the cold. We both grinned and I half jogged over to him, he grabbed me into a tight hug, I let off a giggle as my feet left the ground for a moment.

"How are you?" I laughed

"I'm great, I'm trying to get my sister a decent Christmas present"

"No luck?" I asked

"None" he chuckled

"What are you doing here, Rena?" Daichi asked with a smile

"I'm gonna see that new horror movie with some friends" it was at this point the four of them caught up " probably know them"

"Oh, hello again" Suga smiled at them, I turned to see a murderous look on Oikawa's face and I raised my eyebrows. Iwaizumi seemed to notice as well so he took over.

"Nice to see you" he smiled

"It was nice to see you guys but we're totally late" I chuckled

"Alright, I'll talk to you later" Suga smiled, leaning down to give me a second tight hug. I waved as the three of them left before following my friends from Aoba Johsai. I walked behind the others with Oikawa who seemed to be stewing in rage. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you jealous?" I whispered to him with a little bit of amusement

"No" he snapped, I let off a short giggle, checking none of the other three were looking before I pushed on to my toes to kiss his cheek.

"You so are" I laughed

"Why don't you call me by my first name?" he hissed abruptly

"Come again?" I raised my eyebrows

"I mean, we're dating now aren't we... you still call me Oik-"

"Tooru" I interrupted him and his face exploded with colour "you're adorable" I laughed as I skipped ahead to join the others. As we got the the cinema we all paid for out tickets and lined up for some snacks - Oikawa being more adorable and buying my drink for me.

"I'm super excited to see this movie" I grinned as went to find some seats

"It's apparently the scariest movie to come out this year" Hanamaki laughed

"Your point?" I grinned

"Maki, by any chance, are you a total sadist?" Iwaizumi smiled

I chuckled "how did you know?!" the four of them laughed, I was sat on the end of the row, luckily for me beside Oikawa as the other three sat beside him. The cinema was plunged into darkness and I buzzed with excitement as the opening credits rolled up.
It was barely the first jump scare when Oikawa let off a squeal, his hand slamming on top of mine on the arm rest and I jumped. The four of us then dissolving into quiet laughs as he blushed. I smiled, slowly moving his hand on to my chair and linking my fingers through his. I felt him relax in his chair as I softly stroked his thumb with mine.He jumped at every scare, his hand clutching mine every time.

"Tooru" I hissed, leaning over to say it in his ear "I can't feel my hand"

"Sorry" he whispered, loosening his grip

"You're such a wimp" I said fondly, kissing his cheek quickly before flopping back down on my chair.


"Well that was horrific" Oikawa said as we left the theatre

"Are you kidding?" I laughed "that was awesome!"

"I have to agree with Maki" Iwa smiled

"Me too" Matsukawa grinned

"You're all crazy" Hanamaki rolled his eyes "that was fucked up - I'm never sleeping again"

"You pussies" I laughed as we walked out into the cold.

"I will happily be called a pussy, you sadists!" Oikawa laughed, breath condensing in front of him.

"I should go, it's getting late" Iwaizumi said "see you guts tomorrow, oh and Maki on Monday"

"Bye, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa said cheerily and the three of them said goodbye, leaving me alone with Oikawa. As soon as we were alone he slid his hand into mine "how did you enjoy that?" he pouted

I giggled as he tugged on my hand, insisting again on walking me home as it had gotten dark "you scared, Tooru?" I asked "do I need to protect you?"

"Don't be so mean" he pouted and I chuckled, looking at his cute face as he took the route through the park to walk me home. I jumped as something cold and wet hit me on the end of the nose, I looked up and grinned as white flakes started twirling from the sky.

"Snow" I grinned, stopping to jab my tongue out.

"You're adorable" Oikawa laughed, I shot him a look he grinned as he turned his head to the sky, sticking his tongue out as well and I smiled fondly.

"I judged you" I said, he looked down at me with a confused face "you're not at all what I thought"

"I'm a very complex individual" he joked and I chuckled as he slid his hands round my waist, pulling me into his chest. At this I blushed a little as he hummed happily, a brown lock of hair falling in his eyes. I instinctively reached out to brush it aside, noticing for the first time tiny flecks of green in his brown eyes. He leaned into my hand, his cheek warm against my cold fingers.

"You're a lot nicer than I thought you were" he grinned cheekily

"I will slap you" I smirked and he chuckled, leaning down to rest his forehead against mine as snowflakes started swirling thickly around us. I pushed on to my toes to press my lips into his, I felt him smile into it as he brought both his hands to cup my cheeks, I sat my hands over his hip bones as he moved his lips gently against mine for a few minutes.

"Come on" he said softly as I pulled away "let's get you home before you freeze"

A Part Of Me (Oikawa Tooru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now