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GUYS SO I CHANGED IT SO SHE'S NOW ON THE FIGURE SKATING TEAM CAUSE THIS IDEA CAME TO ME AFTER WATCHING YURI ON ICE AND ALSO A LIL BIT OF KAGEHINA that is all; enjoy! - Char xoxo (also I overuse my characters being on the girls volleyball team - a nice change up)

I sighed as I looked at my bruised face in the mirror a week later. The swelling was down at the cut didn't need butterflies anymore but my face was still bruised. I just sighed again as I grabbed my skates off the floor, throwing my bag over my shoulder as I left the house. It was about half 6 in the morning on a Saturday and I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how hard I tried.

I was met with crisp winter air as I stepped out my house, my breath condensing in front of me. I was heading to the ice rink - it opened at seven every morning and no one ever turned up 'till at least 10 to use it. As I walked I hummed, pushing my hands into my pockets, my skated knocking together as they dangled off my elbow.

"Maki?" I heard a call and I spun round, seeing Oikawa jog out of a street behind me.

"Hey" I smiled as he jogged up to me "what are you doing?"

"Went for a run" he grinned, pulling out his headphones to talk to me "what are you doing?"

"My eye's better so I'm going to the rink" I answered

"Can I come too?" he grinned "I've never seen you skate before!"

"Um, sure" I blushed "if you wanna, I'm just practising my routine for the New Year Tournament"

"Yeah!" he grinned, coming to walk next to me. He chatted away as always as we walked to the rink. I smiled at him as we did - I loved how easy he was to talk to. Mostly cause he never shut up himself as we walked in the door of the ice rink the boy who always worked behind the counter looked up, he was a couple years younger than me.

"Maki-san" he smiled "I haven't seen you in a while"

"Hey Satori" I smiled "is there anyone on the rink?"

"What do you think?" he chuckled

"Great" I grinned, handing him the money to use the rink.

"Have fun!" he smiled as I lead Oikawa into the rink. I breathed in happily as the cold air hit us, walking to the benches by the side. Oikawa sat beside me as I tied up my skates, pulling my pink leg warmers over them.

"You're gonna get bored" I said to Oikawa as I stood up

"No, I really wanna see you skate!" he grinned

"Alright" I sighed, getting a little nervous at the audience, he stood up to come stand by the edge of the rink as I skated out in to the middle of the ice. I did a few warm ups, stretching out my muscles before I was ready to skate. I moved to the side where I'd set up my small stereo and played the music. I took a long breath through my nose before I started. It went honestly well, relatively smoothly - only one slight wobble in a jump but other than that. I was almost ready for the Tournament. I slid slightly on the complex turns my routine end ed on but still managed to come to a smooth stop, out of breath and probably a little red in the face.

"That was incredible" Oikawa breathed, I spun round to see him leaning on his hands at the edge of the rink.

"Really?" I smiled

"You were beautiful" he said with a small smile "I've never seen something so graceful coming from a girl who trips over air"

"Hey!" I giggled as I skated towards him, stopping just in front of him - the barrier between us "ice is easier, I feel more at home" I picked at it slightly with the tip of my skate "you wanna try?"

"S-skating?" his eyes wide

"Yeah, I'll teach you" I grinned

"I've never skated before.." he said slowly

"Come on, it's easy!" I giggled "I'll go get you some skates, what's your shoe size?"

"30" he caved and I grinned, walking over to Satori and asking for another persona and skate hire. I walked back to Oikawa and handed him the skates, he took then warily before sitting down to kick off his shoes. He struggled in lacing them up and I rolled my eyes.

"Here" I said, sitting on my knees in front of him (ayyyye) and gently taking the laces from his hands "they have to be really tight" I tugged on them sharply and laced them up, once they were tied up I stood back up "come on!" I grinned, jogging awkwardly on my skates back over to the rink. I stepped on gracefully and spun round on my skates. Oikawa was looking at the ice warily and I smiled gently, holding a handout to him. He took it and stepped toward, he slid a little when both feet got on but I grabbed his other hand and steadied him.

"See" I smiled, skating backwards and pulling him forward "piece of cake"

He moved slightly awkwardly to skate forward, staring intently at his feet. He looked fucking adorable. I squeezed his hand as I glided backwards.

"I'm doing it" he grinned, looking up to meet my eyes.

"You are" I smiled gently, tugging him forward. He slid forward faster than I intended and his chest pressed into mine, a blush finding its way to both of our faces "can I let go now?"

"Y-yeah" he nodded "I think I got it"

I slowly let go of his hands and he grinned as he moved forward by himself, it didn't last long and he slid a little over an uneven piece of ice "I don't got it!" he said, grabbing my arm.

"Oikawa, let g-" my sentence was cut off by him slipping forward, forehead cracking into mine as he pulled me down with him. My back hit the ice first, followed by Oikawa who had the nice soft landing of me.

"Ow" I groaned, pain shooting up my back. I was gonna be bruised.

"I'm so sorry" he managed, prising himself off my with the palms of his hands either side of my head.

"It's alright" I smiled "I've had worse falls - you okay?"

"My ego's a little bruised but apart from that..." he chuckled, I smiled gently as he met my gaze. A blush creeping on to my face at the position we were in, chest's pressed together, legs tangled in a mess of limbs.

"You're an amazing skater" he whispered, his hand moving to brush a hair out of my eyes.

"You're not" I teased and he chuckled, his chest vibrating against mine.

"You're beautiful..." he smiled and I felt my heart hammer as he moved his head closer to mine, I hummed in response just before his lips moulder against mine. The kiss was slow and soft and I found myself getting lost in it. Eventually, he moved away. His cheeks red.

"I'm sorry" he whispered "I should of asked it's just you look so pretty right n-" I grabbed the front of his jacket, yanking him down to kiss him again.

"Shut up, Shittykawa" I mumbled into his mouth.

He chuckled against my lips "You got it, Chibi-chan"

Inspired by a little bit of KageHina 

Also for some reason the link to a beautiful figure skating routine won't paste into my story in the links so if you can be bothered to type it out Rena's routine is like this - https://www

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Also for some reason the link to a beautiful figure skating routine won't paste into my story in the links so if you can be bothered to type it out Rena's routine is like this -

A Part Of Me (Oikawa Tooru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now