Chapter 10

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The bell rang, Shadow still wasn't sitting in his seat.

Maybe he's just late.. I said to myself, realizing I need to calm down my anxiety. So I took a deep breath and watched Sonic come in a minute late, like always.

"Where's your pass Sonic?" Mrs. Nicole snapped. "Oh, I don't have one, sorry." Sonic said rushing to his seat next to Amy. "Sonic!" She yelped. "Get over here right now." My teacher demanded. "Sonic," she whispered, trying not to embarrass him. "Do you realize how much tardies you've had?" Mrs. Nicole asked without letting Sonic respond. "I'm going to have to call your parents about this you know." She reminded him. "Mrs. Nicole," Sonic said begging. "Please don't. You don't understand, you can't." He said pleading. "Oh really? Why can't I?" Mrs. Nicole raised her voice. "You just can't. Please. I'll make it up to you Mrs. Nicole. Extra project or work. Something, anything."

I zoned out. This conversation isn't any of my business, I don't want to get too involved. I searched the for the clock, it was 3 minutes into class already, and we haven't started learning yet. I sighed. All my classmates were chattering to each other at the top of their lungs.

I really just want to go home already, each minute seems like an hour.

"Alright class," My teacher started, "Sorry for the interruption.  You have a lot of work to do today." Mrs. Nicole stood in front of the classroom and instructed us to get out our textbooks. Great, bookwork. "Here are the page numbers," she said writing on the white board. Yep, I was right.

"Do all the vocabulary for pages 7 and 9. Answer questions 1-12 on page 16." Mrs. Nicole directed.  "You should get done before the end of this period." Then she walked towards her desk and sat down grading papers.

I wrote the vocabulary for the lesson down, and found them in the glossary. Simple. Then I answered the questions scanning through the chapter for my answers. I was done in a flash, even quicker than Sonic.

I got up, and then Sonic did too,"I didn't know this was a competition." I whispered to Sonic. Sonic chuckled, "I didn't know either." He responded sliding the paper into the turn in basket. We took our seats. "Sonic," I whispered to him. "Yeah?" He answered confused. "Do you happen to know where Shadow is?" I was concerned. "I don't, sorry." I turned back around and pulled out my sketchbook. Now I have so much free time left.. Can't go on my phone can I? I asked myself searching the room for someone on their phone.

There, someone is. They don't look like they're hiding it either. So I pull out my phone and pull out my headphones, I can't stand ear buds.

They always fall out when I put them in, it's the most aggravating thing, along with them tangling up when you place them neatly somewhere.

Now, finally I can watch <insert favorite anime here>. I try to hide my squeals a few minutes after I see my favorite character, hopefully it wasn't so obvious.

Someone tapped my shoulder. Ugh, great, I just wanted to watch <insert favorite anime here> in peace.

I pause the episode and take off my headphones. "Yes?" I asked turning my head towards the mobian who tapped my shoulder. "Shhh." It was Shadow. "You're too loud." He stated taking his seat.

I turned around at the door, Fiona had just taken her seat. Apparently she came in not to long after Shadow..

What in the world were they doing. It can't be a coincidence for them to be late at the exact time. I guess it's just another thing for me to stress myself over.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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