Beginning Electricity

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 Hey guys! I hope you like this story, Im not the best writer, so i would like to read comments. Give me feedback please!<3

I would also LOVE if you wonderful readers could make me a cover? Try to make it of your imagination of the school, or one of the characters, demonstrating their power.



Noah Spark's P.O.V.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slowly open my eyes, to a new school day. I have been here, at Power Highschool since I was 13, that's when I accidently shocked a girl wearing braces, by kissing her. So yep, that's my story how I got here.

As I'm getting out of my bed i reach over on my nightstand and turn on the radio, planning on listening to music while i get ready for school. Then I decide to turn the music up really loud, trying to wake up my roomie, Kane Carden.

Kane has messy blonde hair, and grey eyes, and a bit of a player, he loves the girls at our school. Leaving the music on, I stroll into the bathroom, lock the door, take a quick shower, and then drying off my dark hair and body and getting dressed. Today is Friday! Finally!! My clothes for today were going to be a grey v-neck, and some dark jeans, also running my fingers through my wet-ish hair. I am 5'9", 16, and I have light green eyes.

Finnally, Kane wakes up and jumps in the shower, as I turn off the music, grab my bag and shove my iPhone into my pocket, then take an apple out of the mini fridge next to our T.V. When Kane is ready, we both head out to our first period class, going our own ways.

Kane goes to his defence class, as i go to my electricity wielding class. If the humans outside of Power High, then they might get a little freaked out, because.. well, all the students attending Power High, has atleast 2 super powers, and they need to know how to control, make, defend with, and attack with.

So yeah, my powers are controlling and making electricity, and I can also see through walls. Kane's powers are teleporting himself, or others, also mind controlling and reading, also controlling air.

Walking into my electro class, I set down my bag and shoes at my desk, then step into one of the metal rooms, which test how strong your electricity is.

I surged with all I had, shutting my eyes, as the only light in the room flickered out. When I was done, I was congradulated my ALL of my electro classmates, because I've just reached the highest voltage nobody else can go, I got 500mA!

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