Chapter V

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Saturday, October 31st (Cont.)

Ada stood in the Great Hall among a mixed group of students, but when she spotted Charlotte on the arm of a Durmstrang student, she made her excuses, and broke away. She made her way to them slowly, watching how this new boy handled her best friend, and was pleasantly surprised that he seemed to be treating Charlotte like spun glass, like something precious.

She was almost to them when she was cut off. This new boy was taller than her, though that was no feat, and was wearing the Durmstrang uniform. She stopped short, and had to lean back to keep her face a respectable distance from his.

"Dance vith me."

It wasn't phrased as a question.


"It vasn't a question, krasiv," he said, a smug look twisting his face.

To anyone watching them, Ada's answering smile was absolutely viscous.


There was a small commotion as Charlotte and Viktor entered the Great Hall, and Viktor was prepared to ignore it until he saw that one of the people involved wore the same uniform as he did. He made to pull away from Charlotte, to put an end to trouble before it really began, but Charlotte put a hand on her arm to stop him.

"That girl he's mouthing off at is my best friend, Ada. It's best to stay out of the way of her spellwork when she's vexed."

"Kozkalov must learn to respect the other students," Viktor said quietly.

"Trust me," she assured him. "He's about to learn."

Viktor sighed, but, the truth was, he did trust Charlotte, so they stood to the side as Ada subtly hexed Kozkalov until his ears were twice the size of his head, and a swollen tongue lolled out of his head. Charlotte covered her mouth to smother a smile, and Viktor had to turn his head to hide his amusement. After Kozkalov had been ushered from the Great Hall by a concerned Madame Pomfrey, Ada strolled towards the couple, tucking her wand back into a hidden slit in her dress.

"You must be Viktor," Ada said. "Ada Fane. It's very nice to finally meet you."

"It is very nice to meet you as vell," Viktor said honestly.

"I won't hold - "

"Viktor," said a boy approaching them.

Ada gracefully slid between Viktor and the boy, smile bordering on vicious again.

"I," she said sweetly, "am going to tar and feather the next poor soul that interrupts me. Stay quiet until I have finished my conversation. Understand?"

Whirlwind (A Viktor Krum Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें