He spit in the sink before wiping his mouth and looking at me though the mirror once again. "Back up Majesty."

I took a step forward.

"Take two giant steps back man." He turned around so we were now face to face. "I'm not playing with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and threw my hands up. "No one is playing!" I shouted. "You're always so damn rude for no reason!"

"First of all," he took a step closer to me causing me to back up some, "don't yell at me lil girl. I-"

"Lil girl?" I laughed in disbelief. "I'm twenty two. I'm grown."

"You're fucking six years younger than me, your ass is a lil girl to me."

My hands pushed at his chest, but he only stumbled back a little. "Then why'd you marry me?" I pushed him once again. "Why'd you marry this little girl them huh?!" I pushed his chest once again, but this time harder. He nearly fell but caught himself.

A small whimper left my lips when Alex backed me up into the wall roughly. He tightly held my arms over my head.

"Don't touch me Anne." He spat.

"Then don't call me a fucking little girl when I'm grown! If you think I'm a little girl then why did you marry me?! Huh?!"

I was beyond furious. How can he call me a little girl when I'm I actually grown. It's not like I'm eighteen... I am actually grown. Legal. Legal to drink. I may not be able to rent a car, but the U.S. have stupid laws.

What a way to start off my birthday morning..

He chuckled deeply, meeting my eyes. "So you couldn't leave so easily."

Rolling my eyes, I get out of his grip and enter he bedroom. "You're such a liar."

"Believe what you want baby girl."

I brushed my teeth and got dressed in the guest bedroom. Alexander was pushing my buttons. All I asked for was a peaceful day but he wants to start petty arguments.

Maybe marrying someone I've only known for almost five months was a bad idea? We married after only two months of being associated.

And let's not forget he has bipolar one and post traumatic stress disorder..

A sigh left my lips as I placed my face in my hands. I can't get mad at him so easily. I can't hold things over him knowing his mental state. What kind of wife am I? A terrible one.

I slowly made my way outside as I heard a horn honk. I remember last night Alex said he already have some things planned for my birthday so we'd be leaving by noon. I was greeted by the driver as I got in the backseat. I returned the kind gesture and waited for Alex to join me, which didn't take long. He was out within a minute. As soon as he slid in the backseat I could smell his wonderful cologne. No matter how bad our arguments get, I can never stay angry at him.

My eyes observed his side profile as the driver began to pull off. Alex kept his head forward, trying not to look at me. I know he feel my eyes on him. I know he wants to look at me also... I can tell by the smile he's trying to bite back.

"I'm sorry baby." I placed my hands on his cheek, turning his face towards mine. I waited for him to apologize also since we both were in the wrong. But I'm sorry never left his lips.. "You forgive me?"

"I forgive you baby." He closed the small space between us by locking his lips with mine. I felt my cheeks heat up when he bit and tugged on my bottom lip while slowly pulling away.

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