Chapter 1

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I was already tardy, and today was the very first day of high school most teens, hopefully, would want to look good on the first day. But honestly I didn't put that much effort.

I look at myself in the mirror wearing a plain black shirt and an unzipped sweater, black ripped leggings, And to top it off, My skull printed headphones. I smiled.


Grabbed my bag and headed for the door, but carefully, dad is here. I was about to reach for the door, but was unlucky enough for him to notice me, which was bad cause he has that one stupid habit of asking dumb questions.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Where do you think?" I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him so I slammed the door to his face. Hopefully he get's the message.

I got cold the second I stepped out, a cold breeze was introduced to my face. The weather today seemed like it could get worse later in the day. the sky above me rumbled making the ground shake a little, I gazed up at the sky giving it an unpleasant look. It replied with thunder that was louder than the first.

I decided to head for the forest instead, I wasn't in the mood to interact with others at school. Another thing that I hate about most teachers there is that they're always finding ways to make you talk to someone, somehow. That bothers me a lot. Dad wouldn't even care what happened to me throughout the day anyway. He never did. But, for some odd reason he's always warning me not to got tp the forest I'm going to right now, and I don't listen. I don't want to either. This is the only place that feels like home to me.

I walked deeper into the forest, knowing very well the sin I was committing. The big tree in the center had more scars on it than last time, it must have came from that person behind the long and crooked fence. Cross it, and you're gone. Don't know why, don't care either. It's the main reason why people don't want me coming here, I heard when you look past the long crooked fence, you get nightmares asleep and awake. I did exactly that, looking past it all I saw was the old elementary school, that's it. Nothing else. I didn't feel anything at all. After all the appointments with doctors, surgeons, and therapists mom had booked for me. My condition only got worse...


The next day wasn't different at all. Dad was out doing drugs again, while I'm here slowly dying. Every once in a while my mouth out of nowhere would start bleeding, along with my hands. What really is happening to me? Is this why THEY left me?

I'm sorry I made this chapter short but for now till the end of the book I'll be updating more chapters! 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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