Mr. Wrong

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Hi, I'm Indigo; Indigo Carr. I'm 17 years old and I pretty much live, what most would call, the perfect life. I come from a wealthy, successful family; my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a doctor. My two older brothers are famous athletes; one in the NFL and one in the NBA. I go to one of the top high schools in the state where I am a part of the medical magnet program. I'm also captain of the cheerleading team, debate team, gymnastics team, and step team as well as Student Body President and Ms. Lakewood High for the past four years. I'm an honor roll student and I have early admission to Stanford, my dad's alma mater, and Harvard, my mom's alma mater. My boyfriend, Michael Blake, and I have been together for four years now; since my freshmen year and he's pretty great too. He's an honor student as well with early admission to all the top schools as well as athletic scholarships to pretty much everywhere. He's captain of the football team, basketball team, baseball team, and co-captain of the debate team with me. He's also Student Body Vice President and Mr. Lakewood High for the past four years. Together we're Lakewood High's power couple and the two most well known and popular people. My parents love him and his parents love me; they've practically already planned the wedding. My life has always been this way; perfect from the outside looking in and I can't really complain but I can't shake the feeling that there's more for me than just perfection. There's more to life than having everything handed to you and every detail of every aspect of every part of life already set in stone. I'm meant to do more than just follow in my parents' footsteps. I can feel it in my heart but I don't know what else I could really ever do besides be who everyone tells me I'm supposed to be no matter how I feel about it. Obviously there's a reason my life was made this way so there's no point in over thinking things. I'll just continue on and just hope that as things continue to fall in place, these feelings subside and I can finally be at my happiest; that's the real goal at the end of the day. Happiness is my dream and I'll get there but yeah, that's about it. I hope you guys enjoy my story.

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