The Sleep's Dealer

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My friends don't walk, they run.

Another set of red and dark shadows, hiding harshly over covers, over trains and over shaky balconies in cold and whispering nights.

I am ugly. ("Noone will love you, if you're unattractive")

The words are whispering into my wet ear, like tongues, they fight their ways past my boundaries and my borders.

Restricting boredom, reflecting loneliness and the cold and vanishing in the unbearable heat of blankets and the stroke of sun over skin, meant to be held with ice.

My friends don't walk, they run away from me and they ran away from this warmth that is not capable to us to hold within ourselves.


"Hey, can I ask you something?", Jungkook whispered and it was timid and a little shy, as if he was scared of the answer.

A thought has been spooking around in his mind.

Maybe Jimin was nice at day, by night a monster?

But it didn't quite seem to him that that was it. Here he sat since, who knows how long. On the opposite of the unbelievable good - looking boy. He has calmed down by now. Almost, but it's still as if there was a hint of the sadness and the madness showing itself a little bit more today.

He breathed out and Jimin watched as Jungkook closed his eyes.

"Where are you taking me?"

Wherever you want.

Jimin pursed his lips and leaned back as he thought. There was a strand of hair covering his eye and he pushed it out of the way.

"Maybe... somewhere nice?"

Jungkook chuckled lightly but his eyes opened and he stared into Jimin's, which were as black as the night behind them.

And as Jungkook's smile slowly vanished, he realized that he had too many questions on his mind that he needed to ask. Needed. This night was a dangerous one and sanity was already slipping away from him.

Jimin watched as the pretty boy's face went darker by the second and as a mirror, his own smile faded too.

Over one night, he unbelievably but weirdly enough for him, became fascinated by this boy. His beautiful reflection. He found everything about him beautiful. From the way he looked like, his posture, always tired but never exhausted and ready to run. His smile, appearing for the first time a minute ago and Jimin had to hold himself back from smiling back too obviously. He bit his lower lip.

Jungkook's carelessness, his soft - looking lips and the big eyes, wanting to burn holes into Jimin's skin (at least it felt like that to him).

Jungkook was different, and Jimin didn't know how he could even say this cause he was the most different to them at all.

But he had many humans, people, clients, customers, girls, boys, men, women here and they all had something that this boy clearly hadn't. And Jimin was desperate to know just what it was. He didn't belong here (but most of all, he belonged the most here above all them all.)

So Jimin just shrugged when Jungkook's eyes met his again and he smiled a little at him, lifting the corners of his lips upwards slightly.

And Jungkook smiled back.


He gasped when he saw the sight in front of him. They stepped off the train, which is gone by now. Not a trail of the rails left behind.

No, the two boys stood in fields, grass waving and almost shoulder-length behind them and warm sun was hitting Jungkook's head, making him gaze up.

The Sleep's Dealer| ( j.j.k. + p.j.m.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя