Chapter 2

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The next day at school was my first JV basketball game I was going to cheer at. Jake is on the basketball team, so it would be fun to get to watch him despite what he did to me last night.

He does these things to me all the time, and steadily forgive him over and over again. I hate myself for doing that.

Finally it was game time. I cheered my best and the basketball team played great. After the game Jake walked up to me, and said,"You cheered great." His hand touched my cheek and ran down my shoulder. "And you look beautiful." I felt uncomfortable but I love him too much to make him unhappy and if I told him to stop he would be mad.

His hand slowly slide from my shoulder to my waist, and he ran it behind my back slowly down to up under my skirt feeling my butt. He leaned forward and kissed me. I finally worked up enough courage to say, "Jake stop!"

"Fine, we'll have more fun later."

Oh great I thought, another night for him to touch me, another night for him to violate me again. Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was caleb. I just met caleb but we are already so close, and he's an amazing guy. I really like him but I know if Jake found out he would hurt me.

Later that night Jake told me to come over. I made my way through the new fallen snow, and into his house. I saw his mom I'm the kitchen and said hi, then slowly trudged up the stairs. I knew tonight he might take it all the way with me. And there would be nothing I could do to stop it.

I walked in and Jake smiled. "Hey beautiful, ready to have some fun?" I just look away. I don't even want to look at him.

"Come on baby." I slowly walk over. I dread what he will do.

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