Chapter Forty-Three

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay, better get started..We'll give you some space" Niall said grabbing Louis and leave.. When they both leaved, Harry suddenly sat beside me "Bri? You okay?" he asked playing with my hair.. "Yeah.." I replied,

Time Check: 11:23pm.. I just leaned my head over Harry's shoulder "I'm tired.." I said yawning while closing my eyes.. "You go to sleep.." Harry said, I just grabbed a pillow and hugged it "Good Night.." "Good Night" Harry said and I went to sleep..


I opened my eyes and saw Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn in front of me "Good Morning!! You two look so cute!" Niall shouted, making Harry wake up.. Oh I forgot, I slept on his shoulders.. I finally got up and stretched up a little.. "Look Coddy! I took a pic" Louis said showing me a pic of Me and Harry sleeping together, I tried to get it to delete it but Louis moved his hands too fast.. "Nah-uh Coddy! I'm gonna keep this" Louis said smiling..

"What time is it?" Harry said rubbing his eyes "Well, it's probably time for both of you to get up and get ready, we're going to our hotel now" Liam said so we both got up from the couch and went to our separate ways.. We went to get our stuff and waited for the bus to park.. while me, I'm still sleepy, if you ask..

Paul suddenly came in and talked out something, it's probably not important, maybe? So I just closed my eyes for a while.. "Bri! Bri wake up!" Zayn said shaking me "Huh? What?" I said opening my eyes and yawning a little "Paul said we're still gonna have some partners like before.. And the partners are like before too, you and Harry" Zayn said but I just closed my eyes again "Bri! We're here!" Zayn said so I got up from the couch and walk through the paps and finally, went to the elevator of the hotel.. "Still sleepy?" Harry said putting his arms around me, I just nodded and leaned my head over his shoulders again... 

Once the elevator opened, Harry helped me get out and walk me to our hotel room...Since I don't know where it is...Harry finally opened the door and I sat on the bed to take off my shoes.. "Aren't you gonna join us for some shopping?" Harry said throwing the keys at the table "Nah, I'll just rest for a bit" I said laying on the bed and grabbed a pillow to hug it..  Harry sat beside me and covered me with a blanket "Okay, sleep tight, princess" Harry said kissing my forehead and leave..

Harry's POV

I went to the boys' room to pick them up, but before I do that, they suddenly ran into me looking excited, looking like a bunch of babies. Seriously, when did Liam started to play with them with all of those, childish things..Well, so much for enthusiasm "Isn't Bri coming?" Louis asked while walking to the elevator "Nope, she's tired.. so I just let her rest for a while" I said, I actually felt bad about Bri not coming with us.. Well, as always, I'll just buy her something again.. When the elevator slidely opened, we walked in, as always, an emptied one.

"What do you think Bri will like?" I quickly asked the boys, but they took a few minutes to think "I don't know, let's go to Forever 21, maybe there can be some things Bri will like" Zayn said and Louis abruptly faced him "Don't ever say that store's name" Louis said, "Oh I forgot, his birthday will be less then a month" Zayn said laughing, so did the boys "Well, so is Christmas.. By the Way.. Any plans for Christmas?" Liam said, soon the elevator has opened and we stepped out from it..

Minutes later from the ride, well we just dance around from the song and singing We Cant Stop on the ride then we reach the mall with guards and Paul of course,cause Fans are really chasing us with there camera's, We just made our way through the fans then finally we reached Forever 21..."I'll go to the 21men section." Zayn said "Me ttttoooooo" Louis shouted and pushed Zayn through that 21men section.."Hey Hazza look at this dress, it's cute, what do you think??" Liam said showing me a Little Black Dress.."Too Short but cute ill take it." I said grabbing the dress but Niall suddenly called me so I quickly turned to face him "How About this??" Niall said handing me a blue short. "How about pants or leggings?" I said then look around. Much of the stuffs here are girly, and I know Brianna doesn't like much of those clothes, I kept finding some boyish kind of girl clothes, but nah, maybe a sweater would be cool with a pair of shorts, for sleeping.. I just grabbed the sweater which has a batman on it "Hey Harry I saw this Polo i think she'll like it" Louis said running to me so happily, since Louis is a little great at fashion, I just followed him

Louis showed me a Black and Red checkered polo "Yeah she can partner it with this pants :)" Niall said "Hmmmm Ok Ok ill take those both, Oh yeah Niall, can you get me shorts that you would think Bri will like" "Okey Dokey chief!" Niall said and ran to the girls section, since that section is where the girly clothes are. "After that,  lets buy her some converse or vans" Zayn said having so much clothes in his shoulders."Is that all yours mate??" I asked pointing at those clothes, there's so many "Nope some are Louie's" I looked at Louis and he just smiled .When Niall came, we paid and head to the Converse quickly "Heeeeyyyyy I like that!!" Louis shouted with excitement seeing the black converse. I actually don't know Bri's size, I just got a size 8, then we bought it with a white converse for Bri..

After the shopping we went to Starbucks but we just ordered it as take-home cause you know, to avoid stuff like getting mobbed..We Love Paul so much we don't want to get him hurt haha...

Then we went to the parking lot and head back to the hotel..hope she's awake

Minutes later*

We steped out of the elevator after people chase us and went straight to our hotel room..I opened the door, taking a little peek for a while "Bri???" Okay? Oohhhh I see, she's still asleep, I dropped the bags and tiptoed walking to her, making less noise i can do, see, still look beautiful even sleeping :)..wait! I have an Idea.. I pull my phone out off my pocket and Click I took a picture hahaha. Hotel Memories :)

Brianna's POV

Click* Click*

A light flashed in front of me, making me wake up.. I opened my eyes slowly to see Harry with a camera "Oh sorry for waking you up.. you just looked beautiful sleeping" Harry said smiling, deep dimples were appearing on his cheek.. Making him more look attractive, god! what a good morning.. But I have to delete that picture, I hate it when people take pictures of me without my permission..

"C'mon Harry Delete that picture" I said sitting up from the bed, yawning a little "Nah, you look cute there"  "Don't make me chase you" I said rubbing my eye and standing up "Make me" Harry said and run away, well that settle it.. I looked at the kitchen to see if he's there, well he is, waiting for me at the corner waving with his phone in his hands "Give up?" Harry teased "I'm gonna get you!" I said running around the table to go to Harry's direction but he suddenly ran away to the dining room.. then we stopped for a sec, me and him breathing heavily, I was standing at the edge of the table while him at the other edge.. Looking at each other for a second, Harry was grinning on me, stop with that grinning! Then suddenly I ran quickly but he moved too fast..

Then we ran again to the bedroom, why the hell he run too fast?! Did he drank some Redbull or something?! Since there was two beds, our position now is Harry is at the middle of the two beds while I'm at the side of the room, thinking of a plan to get that phone.. Harry suddenly looked at his phone for a sec cause there was a message, this is it, I quickly run to him and tried to get the phone from his hands but he kept putting his hands up in the sky so I can't reach it.. Even though I know Harry's height is too big for me, since he's wearing a long sleeve I just pull his sleeve down so I can get the phone from his hands.. "Bri come down" "Not today Styles"  I said smiling pulling his sleeve down, but because I pulled it harder, Harry was tripping a little, but I don't care I need to get that phone or else he will send it to the boys 

I jumped over him and yes I got his phone, but Harry suddenly fall over me making us lay on the bed.. While my hands where laying both side of my head, his hands were close to my waist.. 

Looking at each others eyes, staring to those green eyes of Harry's just makes me wanna melt into.. But still awkward, Harry was laying on top of me.. Our face only have an ich between

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