Empty Innocence

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These days' kids complain about how hard life is, yet they haven't seen the worse of it. Growing up the way I did was hard. I lived in a place that could never be considered home with many other kids from infants to eighteen. It was a cruel and abusive household, and out of all the kids I was the one punished the most. I always tried protecting the others even though I knew they wouldn't do the same for me and that'd I'd be punished harshly. Their punishment techniques were old school but the pain was just as bad.

When I was thirteen the place was raided. "My parents" were facing many charges and us kids were shipped off to orphanages. In an instant everything I had ever known was gone. I hadn't a clue what to think nor how to adapt to what was normal. I was getting that second chance I'd always wished for but now that I had it what was I supposed to do with it? I had nothing to build off of, not even a name. That's when I bumped into a kid I knew from the past. He was an eccentric boy about my age, he was the only person who ever stood up for me. He was the only friend I ever had and the closest thing I had to family; he understood, cared, and protected me. Until now I thought they had beat him to death. I felt relief just seeing him,I almost cried of joy.

He told me of everything that happened after I seen him last, the gore, illness, fear, and hope. He said that they had nearly beaten him to death before he escaped their grasps. It was cold and snowy, with little clothing he took shelter in a worn down shack near the stream, he had passed out not long after breaking in the shack. Next thing he knew a man was taking him to the child services office, from there he was shipped off here and given the name Masato.

"So... What'd they 'cide on callin' ya". I hesitated to give him a reply. I honestly couldn't remember what they called me. "Uh..um"He gave me a glare then interupted, " 's fine. I get it, it was probably a lame name huh? Well you better hurry it's almost lights out". I gathered my things neatly together and shoved them in one of Masato's bins'. I gave him a joyful look then smiled, " What's mine is yours. Okay?"I let out a little laugh as he agreed. The orphanage manager stormed into the room and glared at us. " Kacy! It's lights out! Girls have to stay with girls, now get to it! Also no funny biz you two, Imma be watching y'all closely" I looked back at Masato as I was being pushed out the room. I didn't understand why I couldn't stay with him or why she was calling me a girl. I made it clear to her that I was a guy yet she refuses to see it that way. I really dislike her, I wish she'd get hit by a bus. Maybe then I can stay with him.

It's been a week since my first night here. Its quite boring here but way more bearable. Most of my wounds have healed but the scars are permanent. I don't look at my scars with hate, regret, or shame; I see them as the link that connects Masato and I. Most people pity us because of all the scars we have, they just don't understand.

"Attention! Attention everyone! This is an important announcement that will affect all of you, so listen closely." All of us kids went silent, announcements weren't a common thing. "Mrs.Shuniski, head of the orphanage, will be retiring once school starts up again. We hope you'll welcome Mr.Collin as the new head. Once he arrives treat him with the utmost respect and manners. That's all. Dismissed!" Some of the kids cheered about the news of her dismissal while others pondered about the new head manager. I myself wondered what he'd be like. If I was lucky he'd be nothing like Mrs.Shuniski.

Time flew by and before I knew it, the first day of school was here. Everything was changing;The winch was leaving, it was my first time going to school, Masato and I were as healthy as ever, at least that's what I thought. "Hello everyone. I'm Mr.Collin, call me Mr.C. From here on out I'll be in charge around here so don't be shy, you can ask me whatever. Now you're dismissed I have to learn all the names to those pretty faces."Mr.C was a bubbly looking man, he had a great smile and a cheerful personality. He was someone we could use around here, but Masato didn't agree. "Awe come on, Mato you're just bein' hateful. What's not to like about him? Would you rather have that old hag back?" I continued pestering Masato about his opinions, I tried to get him to lighten up but his stubbornness wouldn't die down. Masato gave me a very serious look, it was frightening. He slowly walked over to me and rest his hands upon my shoulders. " You listen here. I want you to keep your distance from him, 'kay? Please K, please just do this for me."His grip on my shoulders tightened as he spoke, his concern started to scare me so bad that I had to force my tears back. I couldn't speak so I gave a simple nod in reply and with that he hugged me.

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