#1. New Year

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It is New Year Eve and you have been waiting since a long time for Niall to meet you in the park which is situated over a hill, overlooking the town beneath, giving the whole scenario a very romantic look.

You are sitting under a tree and restlessly glancing at your watch. Niall promised to meet you here at seven p.m so you two would spend the next five hours together until twelve when the fireworks start.

But an hour has passed and still there is no sign of Niall. You have called him but he hasn't attended any of your calls. You are becoming frustrated and worried.

Just as your mobile displays 8:10pm a man wearing a hoodie walks towards where you are sitting, his face is covered by the hoodie but your heart swells with happiness because you know Niall has come at last.

Niall sits down beside you and says, "Hey babe. I'm sorry I'm late but the traffic was terrible."

"Oh-Yeah." You reply, obviously it is New Years eve, the roads are packed with vehicles. You mentally scold yourself for thinking absurd thoughts about what could have made Niall to reach late.

"You know when I was waiting for the cars to move, I imagined about you." Niall says softly while looking at you with his eyes filled with admiration.

"And what were you imagining about me?" You playfully ask but you you bet your heart skipped a beat.

"I imagined undressing you." He says seductively whilst also grinning.

You gasp. Niall and you have been only dating for a month now and have not yet reached the stage where you 'undress' each other. "What else did you imagine?" You ask not wanting to ruin his fun mood and well, you definitely are turned on.

"I imagine the things I did to you and you moaning my name in pleasure." Niall answers, he almost looks serious.

"Niall..." You whisper.

"Yes baby?" He asks.

You shake your head, it not like you wanted to say anything. The look he gives you is adorable, his blue eyes are shining brightly and his blond hair and ruffled on his head, you bite your lip to stop the urge of kissing him.

Well, you forgot bitting your lip in front if Niall is his turn on.

Niall grins before descending his lusciously pink lips on yours. The kiss is heaven, you move your lips to his pace your stomach fluttering with butterflies. His hand moves to tangle in your hair and so do yours.

The other hand pushes you lightly on the soft grass. You lie on it with him on top of you, kissing like you can never get enough of him.

His hand caresses its way to your shoulder so he can brush your hair away and your blouse strap down.

He breaks the kiss and kisses your nose.

"No, you have to move downwards." You command in a joking-ly serious tone

"Yes ma'am." He obeys with a light chuckle and changes his direction to move through the hollow of your neck to your shoulder, he nibbles and licks on random spots leaving you shivering with pleasure.

He kisses and licks the spot just about the low cut neck of your blouse.

The fireworks start indicating the end of an year and the start of better one.

An amazing start to another year.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now