"Layla can't cook, she'd probably burn the house down." Trayce said being serious.

"Explains why she lives with her sister." I said laughing.

"Someone's got to feed her." Trayce said looking at Layla up ahead with Crystal and Lani. We all started laughing because if you just look at the things Layla does, it's automatically hilarious.

It was tied 3-3 and we were heading into the 9th inning. This is it, we need runs right here or we go home with the loss hanging on our shoulders. Losing is the last thing a team wants in the World Series game so it comes down to which team wants it more.

We were at the top of the lineup with Chase leading off. This man has been around the game for long enough he knows exactly what needs to be done. I was in the on deck circle feeling the wave of nervous and eagerness for the win. (Get it eager for Seager HAHA 😏😉)

Chase was up there battling the pitches off over and over and over again. He was now in the box waiting for the 11th pitch to be delivered. Otero was in motion to deliver when he throws a high 93 mph ball inside on Chase hitting him square in the head.

The crowd instantly gasps in shock as Chase falls to the ground right after impact. I instantly ran to him as he was laying there unconscious and in pain.

"Chase. Bro Chase wake up!" I said trying to wake him up with the sound of my voice. He wasn't moving or even awake.

Alani and Coach both ran up pushing me out of the way. "Corey go to the dugout please." Lani said nicely. "I'll take care of him go!" she yelled since my body wasn't moving in shock.

"Corey come on." Justin said pulling me to the dugout. They sat me down on the bench as we all huddled and held eachothers hands waiting for any signal of Chase being okay. I look up to the man that is lying on the floor right now. We all sat there in silence when we saw the aid cart drive towards home plate and taking out the gurney. The stadium was so quiet it was scary. It's true when they say silence is loud.

As soon as they got him on the gurney we saw him move his hands and that washed up some relief off us. "Listen up guys. We aren't going to bow our heads down. Our own man just took a shot and is down. Let's go out there and give it everything we got right here right now. Let's do it for Chase guys." Turner said bringing everyone into a huge group hug.

I walked out on the field and towards Chase. I made my way through the trainers and grabbed onto Chase's hand. "We got this bud. This is for you old man." I said trying to lighten the mood. "Kick ass rook. You are the man." He said squeezing my hand.

"We have to take him now. You got this babe. I'll be with him the whole time. Like Chase said, Kick ass." Lani said reassuring me that she would take care of Chase. I just nodded and watched them take him off the field and into the clubhouse.

"Up next is short stop #5, Corey Seager

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"Up next is short stop #5, Corey Seager." The crowd was roaring and screaming as I walked up to home plate. I put one foot into the box making my print into the clay dirt. I took a deep breath in and as soon as I let it out, I spaced out all the noises in the stadium. It was just me and Otero facing off in the top of the 9th inning with baserunner Austin Barnes on first for Utley.

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