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I'm Back people! Watched movies all day. :b anyways on with chapter 2


Izzy told me anout her encounter with the other people. I feel like a school kid getting an A+ with the excitement i feel. I get to see Magnus early! It's for business. I remind myself. But i get to see him! Business. Him. God i love him so much it hurts. When we get to his flat, i open it with my key and when i get in i find him napping where i had left our movie spot. He was watching 'Doctor Who' off Netflix. I look at Iz and smile but she's still got her serious look one. I go over to Magnus smiling and nudge his head with mine. He opens his eyes.

"Alexander, your home early" he says. He kisses my nose and smiles. Then i kiss his nose. We love doing little teases like that. Isabelle coughs. And i stand.

"Oh yeah" i say. "Magnus Izzy has to talk to you" his face pales and he looks at me sitting up. "Not about me" he goes back to his normal color and Isabelle sits in the arm chair next to the couch.

"I need you to get me some t-things" she says. Her voice falters. Magnus looks at me then back to her. "I-it's for Simon. P-people told me if i brought them these things i-i could have S-simon back. I-i'm sorry if i-i sound p-pushy"

"It's alright Isabelle. What do you need?" Magnus asks. Him and Izzy are like siblings now.

"Warlocks blood, wool if a baby lamb, sand from Egypt, a diamond, a dandelion from China, a silk worm, and the spit of a vampire." She says.

"Oh why those aren't hard to get" Magnus says. He gets up and hoes into his room and comes back out with a basket full of things and puts the basket on the table. He takes out each and everything. "Wool, sand, diamond, dandelion, silk worm- her name is Shelly- and vampire spit" he says. He puts every thing back into the basket and hands it to Isabelle. "May i borrow your knife Alexander?" He asks. I hand him my knife and he goes into the kitchen. When he comes back out he holds a small container with dark red liquid and a towel around his hand. "And Warlock's blood" he puts the container in the basket and smiles.

"T-thank you. So much" she says. She gets up and hugs him. He hugs back and strokes her hair like i do to calm her down. I can tell she's really upset and her voice shaking and faltering just gives it away; she never shows weakness so she really is worried. The release each other and i see her make a small motion with her one finger and eye and Magnus just smiles and nods a little. What did i miss? What are we-

"Alec i'll leave you two here. We have to wait for tomorrow anyways" Isabelle says smirking and striding toward the door picking up the basket on her way.

"Isabelle why don't we all go to the Institute for a while and hang out and talk" Magnus suggests. I look back to Izzy and she's.... Smiling?

"Sure" she says.


When we get to the institute everyone goes into the library. Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Magnus, and I. We all sit around and talk.

"It's going to be a girl. Any baby name suggestions?" Clary says holding Jace's hand and smiling. Jace let's go of her hand and stands in front of her.

"Why don't we" and he gets down on one knee. "Get married?"

"Yes" Clary says. She smiles and tears of Joy fill her eyes and spill over. Jace gives Clary a ring and they sit back next to each other smiling.

"Why don't you name her Emily?" Magnus suggests.

"Hmm yeah but i like Julia" Isabelle says.

"We can call her Julia Emily" Clary says. "Julia Emily Lightwood"

"It's beautiful" Jace says. Magnus stands up and grabs my hand and i stand with him.

"Well we better e going. It's late but" and then Magnus get's down on one knee. His glittery hair sparkling and his cat slit eyes glowing. "Would you Alexander Gideon Lightwood, do the honor of having a mundane marriage?" Mundane because it's legal in NY plus the Clave would never approve. I haven't cried in so long buy i feel tears fall and all i'm able to do is nod. Magnus stands up and hugs me. I hug back crying tears of joy into his shoulder. I can't explain the feeling i have right now but it's deep and it feels just right. I hear Aw's from next to be and wyes watching but i don't care. All i can do is hug my Warlock with all the happiness in the world.

Aw look at Malec and Clace. Look at the adorableness. Malec is mah OTP so yeah. Sizzy be coming up soon and i'm open to more child names because Clary can always change her mind. Or more children will come into play. 😏😏 either or. Just comment.

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