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I quickly escaped from my room, the palace was in array so no one seemed to mind. The palace guards seemed to completely ignore me as they rushed towards the palace entrance, the palace maids seemed to be concerned about what was happening. I followed the rushing guards to the front gate.

There was a row of guards blocking the entrance the palace gates, I stood in shock to see that Mengyao's transport was being denied of entry.

"Why aren't they allowed to enter?"
I asked the closest guards to me, he turned to me in surprised.

"Lady Jiayang, you left your room? You should go back."
He responded as he turned back around. I felt my anger bubble up but I kept myself under control. I attempted to push past them, I felt a few hands try to pull me back, there were sounds of gasps as I made my way to the front.

A red and golden carriage sat at the gate doors with guards protecting it. I noticed Choi in the front of the group, he wore heavy armor and his long hair had been tied in a ponytail. I was about to call out to him before a large cold hand was quickly placed over my mouth, My heart pounded unsure if it was hostile.

"What do you think your doing?"
I recognized the voice, and began to settle down, I attempting to break away, but the grip was tight.

"Brother please release me, please forgive me but want to stay here I want to go home."
I said with a muffled voice, I was expecting him to raise his voice but instead I was greeted with silence. His grip suddenly loosened, I took the opportunity to break away, I looked back to look at him, I nearly had to force my self not to scream.

Jianyu was almost like a walking corpse, his skin was beyond pale and his eyes held a dead look. He stood there looking at me with saying a word.

"Jianyu what is wrong with you? You do not look so good."
I attempted to move closer but was pushed away by him. I looked at him in surprise. He also looked surprised as if he could not believe he just pushed me away, he looked at his hand and made a weak fist.

"I'm so tired Jia, let's stop this, hurry up and go back to your room, You won't have anything to fear here."
His voice was shaking as he tried to smile a bit. He held out his hand towards me waiting for me to take it. I felt my sadness and pity began to take over and get the best of me but I hesitated to take is hand.

"Jiayang it's been a while."
I heard a deep voice behind me, I quickly looked to see Mengyao standing there, he had completely changed in the last couple of days. He had grown quite a bit and was now about my height. He no longer had childish features and was truly beginning to look his age. I stared at him startled, everyone had been so focused on Jianyu and I, that no one noticed him leave his carriage and get so close to the palace gates, his guards continued to stay by the carriage, but they were alert.

"You've been away from the palace too long, mother was on my ass about grandchildren the whole time you were gone."
He laughed a bit before looking serious again. I stared at him in silence before he sighed and looked away from me and looked at Jianyu, his gaze grew sharper.

"You may be her brother but she's my wife, let her go."
Mengyao nearly yelled but managed to keep his voice at a stable level.

"Your wife? She is only a concubine in your palace, I refuse to let her stay there just to satisfy your urges."
Jianyu said weakly, one of the palace guards moved closer to him and began to shield him.
Mengyao was silent but seemed to be deep in thought.

"How about I make her my empress, will that make you worry less."
Mengyao said with a serious look on his face. I stared at him in confusion, and looked to my brother who stared at him with empty eyes.

"That fixes nothing.."
He began but he began to sway and leaned on the nearest guard. I began to move towards him, but was pulled back by Mengyao.

"Hurry let's go."
He whispered to me, I stared at him and anger and pulled away immediately.

"You think I can just abandon my brother when he is sick? Do not be so heartless, I'll get back by myself."
I ran after the palace guards leaving Mengyao, standing there alone.

Concubine's Greed (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now