It looks unusual and I wonder if he did it by himself or if he allowed that girl to do it to him. It's somehow looking awesome. The sharp features of his face are clear to see and especially as he's fucking her with his tongue, I watch his jaw moving.

I am not jealous or something, I really don't care for his bitches, but I am wondering why it is such a big deal for him to let me touch him, when he has no problems with sluts in a damn bar-

The barkeeper gives me a little hit against the arm and I realize that he already brought the drinks, so I let him write them down for me, before balancing them back to our desk.

"Axl is wearing a braided plait."

I spurt out and Duff gives me a weird look.

"And what? The fuck should I care for his hairstyle?"

"Just sayin'."

Sometimes I don't really know if I am talking weird stuff or if others are just taking it weird. It's unusual for Axl. I recognized it. I told them. Nothing to do with what happened back in New York.

And they all don't even know about it, I remind myself as I take a package of cigarettes from the desk.

They can fuck off. And Axl can fuck off. I am getting drunk.

I did. I do. And I am desperate for a fuck.

There are some sorts of alcohol that leave me horny as fuck and when I hadn't had too much I am a fucking beast-

Or I can't get it up and puke all over the bed.

There's always a 50/50 chance.

Just when I randomly search around the crowd for some tits, Axl brings his girl for the night over. She is leaning against him, hand under his shirt and it seems like she's barely able to even stand.

I stare at Axls hair again. He's looking fantastic.

A short nod in my direction, then he whispers something to the girls ear and they are both looking at me. She gives a smutty grin, then nods. Axl looks like he's about to move, but he doesn't, instead shoves the blonde forward.

She stumbles, almost falling, then reaches me and kneels down, both hands on my knees.

"Hey...", she slurs and I am sure she's fucking wasted with her eyes halfway closed, trying to not loose balance. But she's got a nice body and pretty brown eyes.


"Me and...," she furrows her brows, thinking, "that guy there...", I laugh, "...we're going to...fuck."

"Good to know."

She tries to look seductive I think, but she's miserably failing as she hiccups and seems to fall to the side again. I look over her shoulder at Axl. He's not looking at me, but has his head lowered to the side.

" us?"

I look back to her, perplex. I halfway expected that, but - hell. What?!


"Hmm...I....well, I don't know..."

"Did he sent you to ask?"

"Yep..." I look over to Axl again and this time he meets my gaze, looking nervous and annoyed.

"What exactly did he say?"

"Don't wanna fuck me or...not?"

She emphasizes her question with grabbing her own boobs.

You Don't Come Close.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant