Chapter 4

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Damian's pov

When I came back to the Batmobile, Batman was waiting for me with the man in black.

'' Where is he ? ''he asked me when he saw me.

'' It was a girl'' I responded '' and I don't know where is she ?''

The man in black began to laugh.

'' Something funny ?'' I asked him harshly. I don't like lose in a fight.

'' If she arrived to escape to you, she doesn't let you catch her easily. '' he said still laughing.

We waited patiently that the policy arrived and we gave them the man.

We jumped in the Batmobile and Batman drove to the Batcave.

'' We have to found her'' he said as he walked toward the screens in the Batcave. '' She works for Penguin ''

'' How you know that ?'' I asked

He showed me a picture of a statuette. It was a egyptian's god : Horus. With a eagle head.

Penguin likes the kind of art.

'' Where were you loose her ? '' father asked me.

I came toward the screens and posted a map of the city. I pointed a street. '' Here''

Batman typed on the keyboard and all the camera of security of the street and the neighborhood appeared. At the hour where I lose her, we can see her silhouette run through the neighborhood. After an hour of running she stopped a while before walk slowly. After fifty minutes she stopped in front of a old building and entered into it.

'' We'll make a visit tomorrow night '' said my father.

I nodded.

'' Go to sleep now. You have class tomorrow''

I grunted but said  nothing.

I hope tomorrow, there will be Y/N. I would like to talk to her for what happened after class today.

Y/N pov

After a moment, I arrived in front of my house. It's a old building.

When I came in, I was greeted by the darkness ; so I knew that Penguin was here.Penguin doesn't like the light so all the shutters were close. Like I didn't want to face him right now, I went straight in my room and fell in my bed.

I took a deep breath before stand up and go to take a shower. Water ran on my body and I closed my eyes.

The events of the night came back. The statuette. Batman and Robin. The coward. The blood.

I opened my eyes. I shoot in his leg in purpose. I hoped he'll be okay.

At least I didn't kill him and his face will not haunt my sleep.

I go out of the bathroom when I heard Penguin.

'' My dear daughter,where are you ? ''

I clenched my fists.

'' My daughter come say good night at your dear daddy '' I heard him laugh. He should be in the living room.

'' Don't you have a gift for your Daddy ?'' he asked as I came in the living room and stand up.

He was laying in the sofa, a glass of wine in his hand. His bodyguards were around the room.

'' Where is my gift ?'' he said with a smile.

'' I don't have it '' I answered.

His smile fell.

'' Where is my statuette ?'' His voice was cold.

''Surely in the hands of Batman '' I said trying to stay strong in front of him.

'' How ? ''

'' Your hand man did not disconnected the alarm properly. Batman and Robin arrived. They caught your man with the statuette ''

'' You let them do this ?'' He screamed at me.

I step back.

'' What I supposed to do ?! '' I shouted.

I put a hand over my mouth. I shouted at him. He'll not like it.

Suddenly I felt the pain in my face. He throw me his glass of wine.

The glass broke on my face and splinters cut my cheek and my bottom lip.

I beat my tongue to not scream.

'' IN YOUR ROOM !'' he yelled '' NOW''

Without wasting time I ran in my room and locked myself in it.

I let me slip down against my door. I wanted to cry but I refused to let my tears go out.

I'm so weak in front of him. And I hate to be weak.

Twenty minutes later, I heard his hand men come toward my room and I know what will happened next.

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