Harry sick- for storiesoftheseven

Start from the beginning

What if I died from coughing to hard, like actually coughed up my lungs? 

I finally made it to the kitchen and flopped over the counter, barely catching myself before the side of my head collided with the marble. I stretched out one arm and pulled the bottle of liquid close to me before chasing down a couple of mouthfuls. Seemed accurate enough to me.

The damn stuff did the exact opposite to what it said it would on the label as it slid down my throat, making my chest compact and tighten. I hurriedly poured a glass of water and downed that, hoping it would stop the fit but halfway down the glass my throat rebelled and I spluttered, spitting water everywhere as I started coughing.


I slammed the glass down and grabbed the counter with both hands to keep myself on my feet as the loud violent barks fled my body.

 And this time I was scared. Not the kind of scared like my favourite TV show was going to end, more like scared my life was going to end. I felt like I was choking, a pair of hands that I couldn't pry off wrapped around my neck and the reason I couldn't pry them off was because they just weren't there.

Even when the coughing stopped I still felt like I was gasping for breath, sweaty and shaky and terrified that it was going to happen again. Somewhere at the back of my head I knew it was stupid, I knew that I wasn't going to die from a frigging cough, but it was buried too deep and the larger part of me that was seriously panicking over-ruled the only sane thought I had.

I staggered back, sobbing and panting, until I hit the other line of counter-tops and shrunk down the wall onto my butt. My body felt like it was on fire and my pulse was thumping throughout every part of it, loud and rapid.
 Hot tears were pooling in my lap but I couldn't've stopped them if I'd tried. I couldn't think, didn't even realise that my phone was barely three metres away plugged into the wall and that it would only take a single press of a button to have someone over.


Liam's POV

So far today I hadn't heard a word from Harry. Niall and Louis had come over this morning as we had planned the day before but the youngest of us hadn't turned up and none of our texts had been answered. He was usually prompt, organised and quick to reply to texts as his phone was kept in the back pocket of whatever pants he decided to wear, so it was kind of worrying.

"I'm sure he's just sleeping in, he's still getting over that cold. Or maybe he forgot," Niall said, trying to put a stop to the frantic chewing on my lip but he didn't seem to believable of his own words so it wasn't overly helpful.

Louis frowned as he voiced exactly the thoughts that were going through my head, "surely he would've texted if he thought he wasn't up to it though, at least told us he wouldn't be here."

"Will it be weird if we go over to check on him?" 

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. I didn't want to appear too over protective, and if he really was just sleeping I could imagine him being more than a little confused as to why we felt the need to invade his apartment.

 Louis finally quit his pacing across the living room, grabbing his jacket off the couch, "who cares, I'm in."

 Niall nodded firmly in agreement, "yeah, let's go."

 I sighed in relief. The worrying feeling was growing stronger and I couldn't help but think that something was wrong. Call it instinct, or whatever, but I couldn't ignore it.

"Alright, I'll drive," I said.


"We're probably over reacting," Niall said just as I went to knock on Harry's front door, once again sounding very unconvincing.

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