Elimination 1

139 4 39

All of the ladies get called into the hall. Prince Hunter Steps forward "Can these ladies please leave the ballroom."

Lady Eden

Lady Felicity

Lady Riley

Lady Alex

Lady Natalie

Lady Nixie

Lady Melody

Lady Destinia

Lady Lily

Lady Annabeth

Lady Jessabelle

Lady Jesse

Lady Madeline (Is that your name Mak_Weasley)

Lady Ivy"

(I will make two chains, one for the people whose names were called and one for the people that weren't)

(Can Some Of You Guys Please Tag Prince Hunter as He isn't getting talked to that much)

(Also please actually talk to the princes, by tagging them etc. You can be both in the womens room and on a date)

The Selection Role-play (CLOSED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن