{Chapter 1: It's Just A Little Snow.}

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Zayn and Niall had a very very busy day ahead of them. The boys grandmother was coming over to see the boys before Christmas tomorrow, and Niall knew how much his mother hated a dirty house. 

They had less than 4 hours to clean everything and make the guest room. And it wasn't much of a help that none of the boys wanted to cooperate. 

"Liam and Louis. I just put Harry down for a nap, so you won't need to worry about him bothering you, so can you guys go outside and shovel the snow off the porch and the steps. If you guys get too cold you can come in for a bit." Zayn said.

"But daddy." Both boys whined simultaneously. 

"I don't want to hear it boys. Just please do what your told." Niall chimed in. 

"Okay Papa." Liam said. It really wasn't worth the sore bum he would get if he argued.

Unlike Liam, Louis huffed and stomped his foot. But with a stiff pat on his bum and a glare from Zayn, Louis ran outside behind Liam. 


It was obvious that neither boy wanted to shovel the snow in the cold weather, but Liam was willing to bury his hatred for the job to finish it quickly while Louis continued to whine. 

Liam refused to listen to all the complaints coming out of Louis mouth so he began to hum some Christmas Carols. Louis just seemed to get more annoyed. 

"Shut it Liam!" Louis hissed before dumping all the snow on his shovel all over Liams head.

While Liam's eyes began to water and his body began to shiver, Louis had realized what he did, and had dropped his shovel before he got ready to bolt.

Unfortunately Louis wasn't so lucky, Grandma Mauras car pulled up and he froze. When she got out of the car she ran over to Liam and quickly cuddled him trying to get much of the snow off her grandson as possible. She took off her scarf and wrapped it around Liams ears and mouth as she saw how red his face was getting. She told him to run inside and change into warm clothes and ask his parents for some hot chocolate. And to tell them what had happened.

Liam did exactly what she said while Marua went over to her other grandson before grabbing a hold of his ear and taking his naughty bum inside to his awaiting parents. 

"Louis William Horlik. You better get your bum to the corner of your bedroom before I count to three On-" Before Zayn could even finish saying One, Louis had bolted.

Liam was half asleep on the couch cuddled up to Niall wrapped in about 4 blankets, while Zayn went up stairs to deal with his naughty boy.

When he got to Louis room he was glad he didn't have to add more to his childs punishment as he saw the boy in the corner right where he was supposed to be."Louis come here bub." Zayn started. 

Louis walked over to his father before stopping in front of him and staring at the ground. "You know what you did love. Liam's most likely going to be sick tomorrow. I know it's been a long day so how about 10 on your trousers then we can all go cuddle downstairs and drink some hot chocolate. 'Kay?" 

Louis nodded his head and laid himself over his fathers lap and awaited for the first smack.


Zayn picked hs son up off his lap before pulling him into a tight hug before carrying him to the kitchen where he grabbed two cups of hot cocoa before directing both of them to the couch where they sat watching Christmas movies after Louis apologized. Liam may wake up sick, but as long as he has his brothers, parents, and grandma there. . . he'll sure have A Place To Get Better.

A Place To Grow {Ziall Horlik/Zianourry Spanking}Where stories live. Discover now