Character Bio

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Name: Logan Hall.

Freelancer Name: Agent Argentina.

Sex: Male.

Description: Caucasian in his mid thirties with short red hair, green eyes, and a scar that goes from the bottom left of his jaw to above his right eyelid, barely missing his eye.

Armor: Halo 3.

Helmet: Hayabusa.

Chest-Plate: Recon.

Left-Shoulder: Recon

Right-Shoulder: Recon.

Primary Color: Hot-Rod Red.

Secondary Color: Treasure Gold.

Detail Color: Midnight Black.

Primary Weapon: Sentinel Beam.

Secondary Weapon: Banana Slug( It's actually the Fuel-Rod Gun but I call it the Banana

Slug :P ).

AI: Bravo.(Looks like Cortana but red instead of blue.)

Ability: Matter Disruption.(He can create miniature black holes.)

Personality: He's very quiet and barely ever talks. Appears cruel and hateful even to his fellow Freelancers, but the truth is he acts that way so he doesn't get attached to anyone. He lost his family once, never again.

Friends: None.(At least for now.)

Enemies: The Covenant.

Bio: Classified(You find out his past later in the story.)

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