
"So, this is your ship?" Kember asked, as she took her seat next to the pilot's chair.
"Yup, it is!" Tanin laughed.
It was small, but efficient, with enough room to house four people comfortably, eight if their was dire need. "Where did you find it?"She blurted out, running her hands over the console.
It was a little too familiar for her liking, looking a lot like the ship tha tshe and... Crap, She and the fake Madrina, had borrowed from Kion. It was of Kalvashian design, but a much bigger version of their little shuttle.
"I won it, in a game of Hida'chi!"
"Any chance, Nyx was on the losing end?" Kember laughed, hoping for a bit of normalcy, as Tanin took to the controls, and the ship lifted off the ground.
"Who?" He replied, his eyes darting from screen to screen.
"He's a Demon, with a bad ass attitude." She sighed, and rubbed at her eyes. "He loves Hida'chi!"
Bloody hell! She was so homesick, she was taking a liking to the Demon himself, and she hated the bastard on a good day.
"I don't hang with Demons!" Tanin told her, "They're too...aggressive!"
"But you'll hang with The Insid?" She laughed, and sat back in her seat as they passed through the clouds and dust, and made their way out into space.
It was beautiful out there, but chaotic as ever, knowing that the Insidian cruisers wouldn't be too far off. "I don't hang, with anyone!" He replied,and she could feel the longing in his voice.

"No teven your lover?" She asked, feeling guilty the moment the words left her lips.
"What? Where..?"
"The other male,he said something about your lover..."
"Oh yeah!" Tanin sighed. "My lover..." He paused, as if thinking twice about telling her anything.
"I too, miss a lover!" She grinned, hoping to take some of the anxiety off his shoulders.
"It must be rough." He replied, with a scowl on his face.
"It is!"
"Where is he?"
Did she really want to answer that? Could she? She had no idea where Kion was, or if, he was even alive.
"I don't know!" She told him.
"I see! I don't know where mine is either, but it's because of him, that I joined the Insidians."
"Is he one of them?"
"He?" The male looked shocked, and then afraid.
"I'm sorry, I just assumed that your lover was a he, when the other male... I shouldn't have said anything." She added, and remained quiet.
It was awhile before the silence broke, and she was surprised that it was he who broke it; sailing past the stars as they made their way towards Pentar's outer moons.
"You have assumed correctly!" He sighed, "I do, love another male! If you would look down upon me now, I understand..."
"Shut up!" She laughed, and wanted to slap him silly. "Are you for real?"
"I would assume..." He started, but she cut him off.
"Nah-ah! You assumed wrong!" She laughed. "I have had many lovers, both males and females alike."
"Then you, have..."
"Probably done it all!" Kember grinned, "Your lover is lucky to have you!"
"Is he thought?" Tanin let out, and then the scowl grew more intense, and his fingers flew across the screen.
"What's wrong?" She let out, noticing the anxiety building within him."Tanin, talk to me!"
"The moon... " He mumbled, and shook his head.
"What about it?"
"It's not there!"He replied.


Trapped in a maze of never ending hallways, she tried hard to remember the way she had come. So many doors, so many bedrooms, and nowhere, could she find that voice. Down. She had to go, down, the stairs. She had been going up, each time, she had to start going down.
The first flight seemed like nothing more than a few steps, but then there was another, and another, each one winding down to a lower level. Down she went, past more bedrooms and studies,always a bookshelf, always a desk and chair covered in materials that someone had read; and yet, that someone, wasn't anywhere to be found.
The place seemed deserted, yet lived in. Where was everyone? What was, this Null?
'Are you still here?' The voice had returned, and with it, a figure, dressed in black.
'How am I supposed to leave? There is no door!'
'Then make one!'
'How? I don't even know where I am.'
'I told you, this is The Null! Or what it was, that is!'
'What do you mean, used to be!' She was so confused, this dream was becoming chaotic to the extreme. 'What is, The Null?'
'A prison!' The figure giggled. 'A prison in which you have locked yourself in.'
'I, locked myself in? How? I don't even know how I got here?'
'Usually, one must die to find themselves here.' The figured sighed, 'But in your case, I think you will be brought here...'
'I will be? But I thought you said this was an image of what had been?'
'That was then, Navina, and this is now!'
'How do you know my name? Who are you?'
'I know lots about you... Navina!' The voice had changed,taking on a more feminine tone, not so much childlike, but... 'Follow my voice, Navina!'
With each word, the voice changed again,each time it said her name, it became more familiar, more...
'Follow my voice, my love!' He spoke, as if he were truly there, and she waited for them to change again. 'Navina, listen to my voice...'
She was listening, but the only thing she could see in this demented monstrosity of a banquet hall? Was the figure before her.Tall, dress in a dark cloak, with markings that glowed an eerie shade of amber... But the voice, it was his.
'Navina, my love, follow my voice...' He called out again, and the glow grew brighter.
She was sure it was the Demon beneath that cloak, his marking aglow, just like before... but his words.
'Who are you?' She called out, but the figure neither moved, nor replied. 'What do you want?'
'Navina?' He called to her once more, 'Listen to my voice, follow it! Please, Navina? Follow my voice...'
'I'm trying, but I can't see you! Lync?'

Legends - A Devil's Daughters Crossover - Book One (Published)Where stories live. Discover now