"Hey, Thrust! So... What about S2V now?"

"As long as we know, this is the only thing we have about Soundwave's past. Who would need it now."

When Soundwave's place in the new times was still unknown...

"You'll keep it hidden for a while?"

"Yes. And so will you."
Soundwave could feel the gaze of mistrust and suspension impaling her from behind, where the dark-armored Autobot warrior was standing in the doorframe. However, femme wasn't surprised as she had expected similar attitude. And who could blame him- an Autobot, not trusting someone once an enemy?

Ironhide had led Soundwave and her team to the lab sector of the base and they were now in one of the small separate rooms of this area. The mech was asked to take her here so WheelJack could download some basic programs. Soundwave was no longer a Communication Officer, thankfully, and did not need much.

Back to the point... Ironhide was not pleased. Except Optimus, his old mentor Vector Prime, whose knowledge had helped their leader, and Prowl, Ironhide happened to be the first one to be informed that the femme and that crowd of symbiots were to stay.


On the Autobot base.

Around the Autobots.

Soundwave and her team...

The Primes he could understand but if their most skilled tactician had received a virus in his processor Ironhide had to question.

The huge warrior was standing in the doorframe, impaling Soundwave when a sound of a small explosion brought his gaze up at the scientist. Standing by the desk was WheelJack with a weird device in his servos releasing a thin line of dust and a short streak of oil finding its way to mech's face.


"It's fine!- Ironhide. I-...was expecting this one...", the Autobot insisted cleaning his face and seemed not surprised by the small crowd of ex-Decepicons...

"Sure...", the warrior gave him a skeptical look, "Where you informed already?"

"Yes, yes. Of course."

"He will perform the downloading? Soundwave, mech just blew that thing up!",Lazerbeak protested sitting of the femme's shoulderplate.

"I had been expecting this one and that's what's experiments are for. Don't worry, your Soundwave is in good servos" then he turned to the mech in the door,"Thank you, Ironhide, I have it from now on."

"Wait what-"

WheelJack brushed more liquid from his face, "Don't you have other duties?"

"But , are you bots serious?"

"Prowl informed me that they were going to stay with us but if you want, you may wait..."

"Don't worry, Autobot, we don't bite..." Rumble voiced as his twin grinned adding,"...Without a reason..."

With the last unpleased look thrown at the twins, visored femme and a short angry mumble Ironhide left.

"Well..." WheelJack kept his optics at the exit for a while hoping that his friend will get used to the new members of the base, "Shall we start? Follow me, please."

WheelJack walked in the other room. Unlike the previous one with too many shelves and too much stuff wasted on them, this one was cleaned up. Soundwave stopped to look around same as the others, Frenzy and Rumble bumping themselves on a pair of stools by the entrance.

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