Hope and Optimism

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The young woman curled up on her simple cot, shivering. Her plum hair spread around her head like a halo on her pillow, and Mey's thin nightgown clung to her like glue. Everyone in the manor had only just retired for the night, and so many thoughts swirled around her head.
"Tomorrow. You'll tell him." She told herself, going red in the cheeks at the very thought. Her crush on Sebastian was deeper than she could say - deeper than any words could describe. To her, he was perfect in every way; he looked like an angel, and excelled in everything a person could, and she even adored his calm, commanding and loyal personality. Over the few years she had been at the manor, she had dismissed these feelings. 'It's just gratitude' progressed to 'Wow, he's quite handsome' to 'It's not even proper' to...
"I love him..." she whispered to the dark, and all the dark could reply with was,
"He'll turn you down.". Though the assassin tried her best to dismiss these ideas, to regain any confidence she might have had, they gnawed at her mind. Cuddling her pillow like a teddy, she shut her hazel eyes. Now her mind was made up, and not all the nosebleeds in the world would stop her. Mey-Rin couldn't harbour these...emotions any more. Rejected or not, she had to tell him. Never having felt like this before, it made the skin in her back crawl to think she had been so weak as to let pathetic feelings cloud her everyday judgement.

Morning birds chirped and the sunrise cast a golden glow over the sleeping estate. The only moving inhabitant was Sebastian, who, let's face it, didn't really sleep. He had already polished the banisters, swept the manor from top to bottom twice, and prepared breakfast. Now started the hell of his day - awakening the mess of humans that called themselves servants. Reluctantly walking to the male quarters, he awoke the cook and gardener. Tanaka however, had to be shaken quite a bit before he even made his signature 'Ho Ho Ho.'. Straightening his pristine gloves, Sebastian gave orders for the day just as any good butler did: Finny was to tend to the trees and trim the lawn out back, and Bard was to at least attempt not to burn down the kitchen. After issuing the orders for the day, he set off towards the other side of the mansion. The only female's room was isolated from every other's, and it was such a pain to go get her in the mornings. Ascending the stairs leading up to the door, he gently rapped his knuckles on the wood. The butler had known the maid long enough to know she was a light sleeper, and sure enough the sleepy reply of 'Morning, sir..! Come in...' could be heard. Today however, his demon senses picked up happiness and...anxiety in her voice? He entered anyway, and was faced with a redhead with a bedhead rubbing her hazel eyes. Even to an inhuman being like himself, when she was defending the mansion or at least had her abominable glasses off, she was an attractive woman. Mey had an enviously natural tiny waist, and her unique hair made her a rare gem, but Sebastian could not harbour emotions for anyone. At least, he thought he didn't. Her orders were to help pack the Young Master's things, and pack her own. The household would be travelling to the London Townhouse to prepare for Lady Elizabeth's birthday party, and everyone, down to the servants had been invited. Mey was internally screaming. Other than Lord Trancy's disastrous costume party, she had never really gone to such a celebration. And now she was being asked to wear a gown she was told Lizzie herself picked out for her? And manage to tell the butler how she felt? This was not going to be a good day.

Sebastian left the servant's quarters with a devious grin. He left to wake the young master, and when he did arrive, his smirk widened. The boy who was so powerful and arrogant at day, seemed innocent and defenceless when he slept. Almost like he had no idea where he was going once Sebastian took his soul.
"Young Master, it is time to wake up." He said, and instantly the Earl's eyes opened.
"Hmph. Morning, Sebastian." Ciel huffed, stretching out. He wasn't exactly looking forward to Lizzie's party. Ciel's carriage was all but silent as they travelled to the townhouse. The servant's carriage, however, was filled with two out of tune voices and several 'Ho Ho Ho's' to some awful song Mey had never heard before. She was silent, sitting near the front of the cart. She could feel her pistols pressing against her leg, and focusing on that feeling kept her hopes for the day from turning sour in her mind. The cook and the gardener were too busy caterwauling to notice there was one among them who remained quiet, looking at the horses in front of her.

The arrival and moving back into the townhouse went smoothly. Apart from a single stumble Mey made. She was carrying one of the heavier cases and tripped, and would have had her stomach crushed if Sebastian had not caught her in one arm, keeping her close to him, and grabbed the case effortlessly in the other. The maid went a little red, clinging to his tailcoat. She looked up at him though milky glasses, taking in every detail possible. His raven hair, his alabaster skin that seemed to shine on the daylight, his jawline so sharp she could grate cheese on it. His perfect posture, his broad, strong shoulders, the outline of biceps she could feel hold her.
"Are you alright?" He had asked, and she just nodded in reply. "Good, here. Please, be more careful. We cannot have our maid hurting herself, hmm?" Sebastian smiled, and handed her the case. That one incident had made her certain that she would tell him how she was feeling. Tomorrow was Lizzie's party, and Mey had planned out everything she would say.

That night she slept soundly, curled up in a little ball of hope.

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