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The morning when the latch in the metal door would slide open and my food would be thrown in was different today. The door came open instead, and I looked up from the ground to face a boy. It was him. The boy that brought me books. My breath caught in my throat when I looked at him, he was tall. His skin was white like mine, maybe slightly darker but nevertheless still creamy. He was broad at the shoulders and lean in build, his face was symmetrical. Like a painting. 

His eyes were... Beautiful. 

Dark and brown. 

My lips parted and I let out a shaky breath, my stomach felt tight suddenly. Something I've never felt before, what was it? I was not sure. He stepped into the room and placed the tray he was holding in front of me, our eyes met as he looked up and I gasped without notice. He looked away from me and leaned back up, turning on his heel he walked out and the door slammed shut once again. 

It took a moment for me to recover from the sudden rush that ran through my body.  This was the first time I saw his face, I was stunned. He was breathtaking and what made me gasp was the deep scar that ran from his left bow down to the tip of his cheek. I wanted to reach out and touch it but I was too afraid too. I felt bad for a moment too, he soon turned around and fled. Maybe I scared him off more than he scared me? I couldn't ask him, he was gone. 

I looked down at the tray he brought me. It was a sandwich, BLT to be exact. It looked quite nice, but that wasn't what warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face. I picked up the book that was on the tray and lifted it up to my chest, I hugged it tightly and looked at the door. 

"Thank you". 

I wished he'd heard me, then again I don't think I'd have had the courage to speak to him. I haven't spoken to anyone in what feels like forever, to be completely honest if it weren't for these books. My vocabulary would consist of a 5 year old's speech mobility, which wasn't much. I didn't know his name, nor did I know who he was. 

Most importantly I didn't know, why he came in here? 

I found myself thinking about it for the rest of the day. I didn't know if I'd see him again, I wanted to. I really did... 

My wishes weren't granted as soon as I hoped. 

A month passed before I saw him again. 

This time however, It was I who left the room...


A/N- Hey babes, I hope you liked the chapter, comment below where you think Hope is going to? Also let me know if you have any ideas as to who or what this 'Boy'' is or wants. ;P

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