That night, the two sisters checked an old movie with Kiera Knightley and went to bed early. Linda fell asleep, feeling safe with her sister next to her.

In the early hours, Melinda woke from Linda's begging in her sleep. "Linn, you have to wake up. Laurinda!"

Linda blinked dazed, not aware of what was happening, she just had a feeling that she needed to get away, not be restrained.

"Do you still have those nightmares?"

Linda harrumphed. "Err, no?"

Mel glared at her. "Sorry, I know; stupid question! Come here!" She put her arms around her little sister and they snuggled together until they fell asleep again.

~ * ~

The rest of the night was pieceful and calm. Linda fixed them breakfast in the morning before they took a tour to meet her friend in town.

"Zoe!" Linda waved, and the girl smiled while walking up to the two sister's.

"Hi gorgeous." Zoe kissed Linda's cheek and then turned towards her sister. "Hi Mel, it's good to see you again. Sorry if I was a bitch last time, I was so worried about Linn."

"Well, you can't help being a tart, and neither can I." She smiled deviously. "Are you as good as my sister says?"

"At what?"

Melinda chuckled and wiggled her index finger. "That was a good one. I'm gonna focus on your shopping-abilities today."

"Oh, I'm excellent!"

It turned out that wasn't false advertising at all. All three girls found something fresh to wear, even if Linda and Zoe's dresses were vintage, while Melinda found a dress off the rack.

"I think Maya will be in London," Linda informed her friend.

"Yeah, I guessed..." Zoe shrugged and sounded disappointed. "And I don't really know Sarah, so... I think I'll stay in."

"Bollocks, of course you're coming," Melinda surprised them by saying. "You've got a new sexy dress and all. I though you were a party-kind of girl."

"She is!"

"That's settled then! We'll come pick you up before we go."

Zoe smiled weak. "Thank's Mel."

Linda had the opportunity to speak privatly to her friend when Mel was trying out some outfit. "What is it with you and Maya; do you have a crush on her or what's going on?"

"No, I don't!" Zoe defended herself vehemently. "I just... wanna play..." she mumbled, making Linda smile.

"I can get you into the Club; you don't need a Domina to bring you there," Linda whispered. "There are a lot of playmates once you get in."

The friend seemed startled or impressed by her knowledge, but their conversation was interrupted by Mel who wanted a second oppinion on the outfit she had found.

~ * ~

After a lunch in town and time to shower, dress and put makeup on, the three girls arrived on time all dolled up, to celebrate their friend.

Sarah was even more stunning than usual as she met them.

"Happy birthday, sexy."

"Thank you gorgeous!" The birthday girl hugged Melinda. "And you came as well!" She beamed at Linda and then hugged her and Zoe as well.

"Happy birthday."

"Thank you. Oh I'm so glad you came." She was in a sparkling mood. "Come so I can introduce you girls." She took their hands and strode off with the sisters right behind and Zoe in tow.

Broken      (18+)Where stories live. Discover now