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It's been 4 months since I asked her out.  To me, everything has been absolutely perfect.  We haven't had any fights or arguments.  The most recent super important talk we had was when we agreed to stop cutting.  I don't feel the urge to do it anymore now that I have her.  We've both been clean for 4 months now.  She always tells me how proud she is of me and it always makes it worth it.  She always has been a protective little thing.  I loved it.  It made her jealous but that was okay with me.  Especially since I easily get jealous.  I was about to figure out how much jealousy actually messes with her though.

"Hey babe.", I heard her ask.  I was laying on her with my arms around her waist and my head on her chest.  The soft, rhythmic beat of her heart was slowly making me fall asleep.  Before I laid down I had given her my phone so she could take pictures.  I always loved when she did that.  It gave me so many adorable pictures of her.  

"Yes baby?", I answered as I smiled at the thought of her taking pictures.

".....who is Kay?", she asked.  I stopped smiling.  Kay had been my friend for a while now.  I had met her through some of my friends from another town and she would text me everyday.  She didn't want to stay in the friend zone though.  

"Remember how I have friends in another town?  She's one of them.", I answered.  I felt her nod.

"Well she said hey.  Would you like me to answer her for you?", she asked curiously.  

"Of course.  I let you answer other friends for me when I'm busy.  This is no different sweetie.",  I chuckled.  I always had her message my friends for me.  Especially when I was playing games.  What was the point in constantly pausing my game to answer them when my girlfriend could do it for me?  I'd always tell her what they said anyways.  I heard the phone go off a couple times before she spoke again.

"She wants to know if you're busy.  What do I tell her?", she asked me.  Of course I'm busy.  What does she want?  Might as well tell her the truth.  

"Just tell her yeah I'm cuddling with my girlfriend.", I mumbled.  I was so close to falling asleep.  I just wanted to nap with my baby.  I could hear the phone go off every time I got a message.  Alex stiffened a bit and something felt off.  It started to worry me.

"She sounds pissed off after I told her you were cuddling me.", she stated obviously annoyed.

"Okay then don't answer her I guess.  I don't know why she's mad.", I stated.  She didn't say anything.  The only movement was her typing.  She's thinking about something I just know it.  Shit what did Kay say to her???  

"Babe.", she said.  I felt her body stiffen.  She still didn't move.

"Yes?", I answered.  I felt her breathing stop for a few seconds.

"I feel like there's more to this than you're telling me.", she finally told me.  I opened my eyes and looked at her.  I tried to read her face but there was no expression.  There was only fear in her eyes.  I pushed myself up next to her.  I continued to stare at her every feature.  Why can't I read her?  "Well?", she asked.  I didn't for a few seconds longer.  I needed to think of how to tell her.  I didn't want her to panic or anything.  I knew the only thing I could do was tell the truth.

"I used to have a crush on her.  Then she shot me down and I moved on.  For good.  She's had crushes on me but they've passed so far.  She half loves me.  She's flirted with me yes.  I swear on my life I haven't flirted back though.  Why would I do that when I have the perfect girlfriend already?", I confessed.  She didn't move.  She didn't speak.  She only stared at me.  I could see shock written all over her face.  Then, she sat up, pulled her legs to her chest and refused to look at me.  I sat up next to her.  I couldn't see her face.  "Are you okay?", I asked.  Of course she's not you idiot!  

"Yeah I'm fine.", she mumbled.  She still wouldn't look at me.  I knew she was probably angry and hurt.  She wouldn't admit that though.  I sighed as I pulled her close.

"I love you.  You know that.  I'm not gonna leave you for her.  Ever.", I promised her.  She only sighed.

"Babe what if it was a guy doing that with me?  You wouldn't like it.  I'm not telling you to leave her but I'm really uncomfortable right now.  I get it she's your friend and you don't like her that way but I'm still worried.", she sighed.  

"She rejected me when I wanted her so she's never getting me.  Why would I want someone who half loves me?  I have you!  You completely love me.  That's better than the half love she could ever give.  And I tell her to stop I swear.  Please don't be angry.", I pleaded.  I was terrified.  The girl I had waited so long for now might leave me over some girl.  She wouldn't even look at me!  I felt the urge to grab her face and make her look at me.  Please just give me a hint as to what you're feeling....  She finally looked up at me.  She had worry and fear written across her face now.  I guessed that mine did too from the look in her eyes.  

"I just have a bad feeling about her okay?  How long has this been happening?", she asked.  

"A couple days.  I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be afraid and upset.", I confessed to her.  I looked down at the couch.  I should've told her sooner.  Now she might not trust me anymore.  I felt her hand lift my face so I could look at her.

"Just please pretty please don't do anything stupid.", she begged me.  The pleading look in her eyes made my heart ache.  I can't lose this girl over some chick.  I have an idea!  I smiled at her.

"I'll just delete the app I use to talk to her on.  Then she won't be able to try anything anymore.", I stated as I quickly picked up my phone and deleted the app.  She looked so....shocked....after I finished.  Did she not expect me to choose her over Kay?  

"I never said you had to do that baby.  I know she was your friend.", she told me.  I pulled her against me and cuddled her close.  I laid her head on my chest.

"I know babe.  But you're more important.  She has a boyfriend anyways.  She'll be fine.  You're all I need.", I whispered as I lightly kissed her head.  She smiled at me and gave me a long, loving kiss.  Her kisses still make my heart skip a beat.  She laid her head back down on my chest.

"I'll remember this for if any guys try anything with me.  But you won't have to worry about guys babe.  I love you too much.", she whispered.  I stared at her sleeping face.  I need this girl.

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