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4 months later....

We've been together for 4 months now. Everything has been so....perfect. More perfect than I've ever had. I'm used to arguing and being cheated on and left. Zeke doesn't do that though. Since I met Zeke my depression has gotten better. A lot better. We've already made a promise to one another. No cutting. If one cuts then the other will. It has made us stop cutting completely. I've never been so happy in my entire life. I still have one problem though. I get jealous.
"Hey babe.", I asked Zeke.
"Yes baby?", he answered with a smile.
".....who is Kay?", I asked. He was sleeping on me while we were laying on his couch. I had his phone so I could take random pictures. I did this all the time. He told me he loved it because it meant he got more pictures of me. The last few times I'd had his phone a girl who I didn't know would message him. I was fine with it. There were about 2 other girls that messaged him too. It never bothered me.
"Remember how I have friends in another town? She's one of them.", he answered without getting up. I just nodded.
"Well she said hey. Would you like me to answer her for you?", I asked him.
"Of course. I let you answer other friends for me when I'm busy. This is no different sweetie.", he chuckled. I smiled at him before replying with "hey". She answered within minutes.
K: What's up?
Me: Nothing much. You?
K: just sitting at home. You busy?
"She wants to know if you're busy. What do I tell her?", I asked.
"Just tell her yeah I'm cuddling with my girlfriend.", he mumbled.
Me: Yeah I'm cuddling with my girlfriend.
K: Oh
Me: Yeah sorry
K: Okay
Me: Okay
I was already starting to get annoyed.
"She sounds pissed off after I told her you were cuddling me.", I stated.
"Okay then don't answer her I guess. I don't know why she's mad.", he stated sleepily. I just laid there in silence. I feel like there's more to this than he's said.
"Babe.", I said.
"Yes?", he answered.
"I feel like there's more to this than you're telling me.", I told him. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He pushed himself up next to me and stared at me. He seemed to be searching my face. "Well?", I asked. He wasn't speaking and it was scaring me.
"I used to have a crush on her. Then she shot me down and I moved on. For good. She's had crushes on me but they've passed so far. She half loves me. She's flirted with me yes. I swear on my life I haven't flirted back though. Why would I do that when I have the perfect girlfriend already?", he confessed. I stared at him in shock. Then I looked down at his chest. I didn't want to look into his eyes. I didn't want him to see my fear. I sat up next to him and pulled my legs to my chest. He sat up next to me. "Are you okay?", he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine.", I mumbled. I didn't want him to be angry at me. I didn't want him to know I was jealous. He sighed and pulled me close.
"I love you. You know that. I'm not gonna leave you for her. Ever.", he promised. Now it was my turn to sigh.
"Babe what if it was a guy doing that with me? You wouldn't like it. I'm not telling you to leave her but I'm really uncomfortable right now. I get it she's your friend and you don't like her that way but I'm still worried.", I sighed as I stared straight ahead.
"She rejected me when I wanted her so she's never getting me. Why would I want someone who half loves me? I have you! You completely love me. That's better than the half love she could ever give. And I tell her to stop I swear. Please don't be angry.", he pleaded. I finally looked at him. He looked afraid. Not like he was afraid of being caught though.
"I just have a bad feeling about her okay? How long has this been happening?", I asked.
"A couple days. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be afraid and upset.", he confessed as he looked down. I lifted his face so he'd look at me.
"Just please pretty please don't do anything stupid.", I begged. I didn't want to lose him. He smiled.
"I'll just delete the app I use to talk to her on. Then she won't be able to try anything anymore.", he stated. He quickly picked up his phone and deleted the app. I looked at him with a shocked expression.
"I never said you had to do that baby. I know she was your friend.", I told him. He cuddled me close and laid my head on his chest.
"I know babe. But you're more important. She has a boyfriend anyways. She'll be fine. You're all I need.", he whispered as he kissed my head. I looked up at him with a smile before giving him a loving kiss and laying my head back on his chest.
"I'll remember this for if any guys try anything with me. But you won't have to worry about guys babe. I love you too much.", I whispered.

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