Chapter 9: The Flashback

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"What're we waiting for? Let's go then!" Rachelle said.

"Jeremy! Don't forget my cupcake, okay?" Tiffany reminded.

"Yes I won't. I just won't buy it now, but I guarantee you that I'll buy you that cupcake." Jeremy said.

"Promise?" Tiffany asked as she held up her pinky.

Jeremy locked his pinky on hers and said,"Promise."

* * * *

The 5 of them eventually arrived at the park they used to go to as children.

They stopped going there when they reached the age of 8. A lot has happened at that young age of theirs that they can't be bothered to even go to their park and play around.

Jeremy's dad died that year and that completely ruined him and his younger brother, because they were close to their dad and they loved him loads.

Jessica and her family were struggling with Schmaguar and their low ratings.

Erica's mom wasn't on Broadway that much and her dad's music school wasn't doing great that time.

Rachelle's mom wasn't successful that time, because the clothes she designed weren't as good as she thought. And her dad's stand up shows weren't sold out like before.

Tiffany's family were struggling, because a part in their shopping center has been bombed.

That year was terrible for the five of them.

* * * *

"So....did any of you come here when I wasn't here?" Jeremy asked.

"When was that?" Rachelle asked completely puzzled.

"Y'know. The year 2006." Jeremy shifted uncomfortably on the bench that they are currently seated on. 2006 was always a touchy year for Jeremy.

"Oh. Well, I haven't been here a lot that year as well." Tiffany said.

As realization hit, the rest of the girls said that they haven't been at the park in that same year as well.

Being good best friends, they didn't talk about that year, because they know Jeremy wouldn't want to talk about it.

Silence fell amongst the group.

"So...remember that time when we all liked Jeremy?" Erica asked.

"Oh my gosh. Of course I do!" Rachelle clapped her hands excitedly.

"How could I forget? Oh and what we're about to talk about won't reach Jack. Got it?" Jessica said.

"Of course! Jeremy and I won't tell your boyfriends." Tiffany said as she zipped her mouth as if it were a zipper.

"Wait. What? When was that?" Jeremy laughed at the thought of his best friends liking him at the same time. To him, it was absolutely mental.

"Yeah. Oh memories..." Rachelle trailed off.

* * * *


"Haha! You can't catch me, Tiffany!" Rachelle squealed as she ran away from Tiffany.

"No! I'm gonna get you! Then you'll be it this time!" Tiffany said, determined to catch up to Rachelle as they were playing tag with Erica and Jessica.

"Kids! You'll be late for school! Let's go! Don't want to be late on the first day, right?" Mrs. Jones called out.

The 4 girls were at the Jones' house, because they had a sleepover the day before.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖙𝖞 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora