I Could Be Nothing But a Memory to You

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When I got in, I went into the back and put my wet hoodie and cell phone in my locker and punched in. When I finished I walked into the front to find my manager at the front desk, on the phone. "Alright…..yes, we're ready…okay." he said before hanging up. I looked at him and he smiled, "Hello Leah, I need you to set up a table and some chairs in the front and then section off an area for a line." he told me and I nodded before walking into the back. I grabbed a couple chairs and brought them to the front and then went to grab a table. I struggled with it and then I felt it get lighter. I turned to see my coworker and best friend had grabbed the other half. "Thanks Hannah." I said as she helped me carry it into the front.

I finished setting it up while she went in the back to grab the ropes to section off a line. Once I finished I went to help her and she turned to me. "So are you excited?" she asked. I was confused, excited about what? "Excited? What for?" I asked her, trying to think of something I would be excited about. "About meeting this band! I heard they're hot!" she said and I giggled. "I have a boyfriend Hannah, remember?" I said before going to straighten the CDs in front of me. "And? Chase is a jerk!" she said. I shook my head, "He's actually really sweet, just a pain in the butt." I told her before walking back up the front. "Jake, who is coming anyways?" I asked my manager. "Uh, All Time Low." he said. "Who?" I asked again, not sure that I heard him right. "All Time Low and they should be here soon." he said before walking off. Instantly I just wanted to get up and leave, All Time Low? The same All Time Low with Alex Gaskarth?

This wasn't good. I hadn't seen Alex in about 4 years. After I had moved to Florida we had tried to stay in contact but over the course of 4 months he just talked to me less and less and eventually not at all. It had broken my heart, I hadn't talked to him or any of the guys since then and I didn't really want to see them. I had finally gotten over Alex about a year and a half ago and moved on to Chase, seeing him would bring back all the hurt and the memories. I was scared and hoped I could duck out and go in the back to do inventory.

*Alex's POV*

Matt woke me up early, telling me I needed to get ready to do a CD signing. I groaned before rolling out of my bunk. I was extremely hung over, the last night spent partying with the guys and a lot of girls. I walked into the back and found my pile of stuff, I grabbed some clothes, sniffed them to make sure they were clean and then changed quickly before walking out to the front. I grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on before laying on the lounge, waiting for my turn in the bathroom. When Zack walked out I hopped up and went to the bathroom. When I finished I looked into the mirror and brushed my hair and teeth before putting on a hat and sitting next to Jack. "Matttttttttt. It's too early." Jack whined, leaning his head against my shoulder. I leaned my head on his and Zack scoffed, "It's not early, you guys are just lazy and would sleep all day if we let you." he said. I flicked him off before closing my eyes. After a couple minutes I pulled out my iphone and checked the weather. "Isn't it supposed to be nice out? We're in Florida! God, I hate this place." I said before crossing my arms and staring off into space.

The weather wasn't the only reason I hated this place. It reminded me of Leah and I hadn't felt like my normal self since we had gotten here. I missed her so much even though we hadn't spoken in years. I had slowly stopped talking to her 4 months after she left, not wanting to keep the pain going. Every time we talked I wanted to cry and I could hear the pain in her voice. I decided it would be better for the both of us and while I wasn't amazing, I wasn't hurting as much. Out of sight, out of mind was my motto. Things got easier after that, especially when I was out of high school, very rarely did things remind me of her anymore. I had had girlfriends since then but none as amazing as Leah. I knew she had stopped talking to Kara and all the guys soon after we stopped talking. I didn't know exactly why but I felt like it was because they reminded her of me.

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