Part 4 - Barry Allen

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Earth 1 – Central City – S.T.A.R. Labs

Barry paced back and forth in front of his suit as he thought about what lie ahead of him. He'd been to a different world before but from what Cisco said this one would be completely different. He was happy that (Name) was still alive but it didn't make sense. They hadn't left through a breach so how did they end up on Earth 616?

"You okay Barry?" Joe asks puling Barry from his thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking."


"How did (Name) and The Void end up transported to Earth 616? They didn't use a breach, and I didn't know Void or (Name) had that ability. It just doesn't make any sense."

"I know what you mean." Joe says as he walks up beside his son and folds his arms over his chest. "It's also strange how Void is the only Meta we haven't found an identity for."

"Right, Cisco and Caitlin have been searching night and day ever since he showed up in Central City."

"(Name) never mentioned who he could be?"

"What do you mean?" Barry asks as he looks his father in the eye.

"I don't think he singled (Name) out only because she wields light powers." Joe says as he stares at the bare mannequin where (Name)'s suit used to be.

"You think he knew her from before he got his powers."

"That's the only explanation I can find for his obsession with her."

"That actually makes a lot of sense." Barry says as he walks over to Caitlin's lab and popping his head through the door says, "I think Void might be someone from (Name)'s past."

"You mean before she moved here?" Caitlin asks and Barry nods. "I'll call Thea and get a list of people (Name) used to have contact with and we'll go from there."

"Thanks Caitlin." Barry says as he walks back over to Joe. "Caitlin's gonna call Thea and then we'll go from there." Barry's cell goes off and he pulls it out to see a text from Oliver saying he had just entered the city and would be at S.T.A.R. labs soon. "Oliver's almost here."

"Barry, be careful over there. You know what happened the last time you went to a different world." Joe says causing flashes of Joe's doppelganger's death to fill Barry's mind.

"I know, but this time will be different. I'm only going there to bring (Name) back."

"When are you going to gather your courage and ask her on a date? You guys have been inseparable since you met, and don't think I haven't seen the way you look at her." Joe says with a smirk making the painful memories leave Barry's mind only to be replaced by ones of (Name).

"Come on Joe, you know I can't do that." Barry replies a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

"Why? You're both Meta's, there's chemistry, and you make a great team." Joe urges only to have Barry cut him off.

"She's in love with Oliver." Barry states his eyes turning sad.

"Well, I didn't expect that." Joe confesses as he cocks an eyebrow. "Did she tell you this?"

"She didn't have too. The way I used to look at Iris, she looks at Oliver like that. I think that's one of the reasons she left Starling city to begin with."

"Doesn't mean you should give up hope. You never know, (Name)'s feelings might have changed after all these years."

"Okay, yeah, I'll keep that in mind." Barry concludes ending that particular topic.

"Okay so I matched the frequency to that of Earth 616 making it easy for us to get there. Getting back might take us a few; but as long as these goggles don't get damaged we should be all set." Cisco says as he walks into the room with his doppelganger's modified goggles in his hand. "As soon as Oliver gets here we should be all set."

"He just sent me a text it shouldn't be much longer." Barry says nodding at his friend. "Guess I should suit up." He says as he zooms to his mannequin and changes in a flash of light.

"Barry, we still don't know how exactly to defeat Void and I doubt he's just gonna let us bring (Name) back here with us." Cisco says and Barry nods.

"Caitlin is working on finding out who he really is. Joe thinks it might be someone from her past."

"That would explain his obsession." Cisco says as he taps the goggles against the palm of his other hand. "Perhaps an old boyfriend or jilted lover of hers?"

"(Name) doesn't have any jilted lovers; and if I remember right she's never dated." Oliver says as he walks into the room wearing his green arrow garb and carrying a black duffle. "At least none that would hold a grudge against her like Void claims too."

"Are you saying (Name) has never had a boyfriend before? Wow that's a shame. Because she's-" Cisco says but instantly stops his sentence as he gets glares from the rest of the men in the room. "And I'm shutting up now."

"Good thinking." Joe says with a smirk on his lips.

"Look, I don't know much about (Name)'s love life, but what I do know is that she's not the kind of person someone would have that deep a grudge against. Me, yeah sure, there is a long list of people who hate me; but none of them would know that she knows the arrow. Especially since the last time I saw Lady Light I almost put an arrow through her chest." Oliver says furrowing his eyebrows. He was clearly still mad about her not tell him she was a Meta.

"That was her choice Oliver, I wanted to tell you but she said no. It's her secret to tell, not mine. You should know that better than anyone." Barry says reminding Oliver of when he first started being the Arrow, and all the times he had to lie to everyone to keep that secret safe.

"You're right; and I agree, but not when it comes to someone I care about and have made a promise to protect. She should have told me." Olive says his eyes turning sad. Barry knew Oliver cared deeply for (Name), but he also knew Oliver would never act on any impulses of feelings when it concerned (Name) and for that reason he didn't know why.

"Oh and let me tell you, she was pretty angry at Barry for telling you." Cisco says as he remembers his conversation through the vibe. "Yeah, I wouldn't want to be either of you when we get there. Glad she has no reason to be mad at me."

"Alright we get it." Barry says as a sigh leaves his lips. He turns to Joe and continues in a whisper, "Joe, I don't know what's going to happen when we come back through the breach; Void could be on our tail."

"I got it Bare; Caitlin, Harrison, and I will work on a contingency plan until you get back." Joe says patting Barry on the back.

"Thanks Joe," Barry says as he walks over to stand next to Oliver and Cisco.

"You guys ready?" Cisco asks and the two heroes nod. "Let's go get (Name)."

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