Chapter 3: Date night!

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.. Suddenly Randy ran towards the guys.

He pushed one to the ground and hit the other one right in the face. The one on the ground stood up and wanted to leave but Randy jumped on him and was punching him in the face till the guys nose began to bleed.

I shouted and tried to make him stop " Randy that's enough! Let them go!"

"You son of a bitch! Be happy that she stopped me! Take your stupid friend and get out of here!" Randy shouted and the two guys barely couldn't even stand by themselves but they managed to run away.

I was so happy that Randy saved me. I didn't know what would have happened If he wouldn't be here with me.

"Are you ok? Did they touched you?" he said and hugged me.

"They were about to touch me but I'm fine." I replied.

"As long as you're with me nobody can do anything bad to you , don't worry."

Oh my Gosh! That was the sweetest thing a guy said to me.I can feel my heart beating 100 times harder. Calm down Amy.

I grinned " Let's go to the restaurant I'm starving. " I waited for him to grin too.

He grinned and opened the car door for me. We drove to a expensive looking restaurant and we sat down on a table.

We ordered our food and began to eat.

"Amy, did your family tried to contact you" Randy said.

No they didn't..

"Please just don't let us talk about this."

"Do you know that I'm actually happy to have you in the WWE? Time went fast..FCW was good."

"Yeah that's right. But do you know that you're appearance changed. You had longer hair, less tattoos and now you have more muscles and stuff" I said.

"I'm glad that you can remember me that well. But you didn't changed, you are still looking gorgeous." he grinned and his blue eyes sparkled a bit.

We talked for hours and got to know eachother alot better.Randy was a bit drunk because he had too much wine.

As we left the restaurant I decided to drive the car. After 10 minutes we were at the hotel car park.

As I stepped out of the car I tripped on something with my high heels but Randy catched me.

Glad that I didn't fell on the ground

There was silence between us and Randy just glared at me without saying anything.

It was just like in this typical Bollywood movies. As I looked into his eyes I was getting more and more lost in his eyes.

He lightly pushed me against the car. He was still glaring.

That must be the alcohol..

I felt like he is searching something in my eyes.

His face slowly moved closer to mine. He still glared at me and was going to kiss me.

But Nikki and Brie ran towards

Perfect timing.. But maybe it's good that they showed up. This thing with randy is just too quick and too early.

Randy took a step away and grinned "Guess.. I see you tomorrow." he huged me and left.

"Oh my God Amy! Is that true?Are you ok!?" Nikki said.

"We heared what happend in the parking lot!" Brie said

"I'm fine! Randy helped me but who told you this?" I replied

"Layla told us that these two guys are Johns friends and wanted to beat you up because you're using John Cena and everybody else in the WWE" Brie said.

"She said that you're especially using us! And that you don't want that we take your spot." Nikki added while folding her arms.

What the heck was going on? How can they believe Layla?

"Are you kidding me? That's not even true and how can you believe her?"

"I'm Just saying.." Brie said.

I went to the hotel with the Bellas.All the WWE Superstars and Divas were in the Lobby and kept starring at me. I was pissed off by the looks.

Can't they stare at something else!?

I stood in the middle of all the WWE workers and told them the whole truth.They didn't believed me.

How dumb can these people be to believe Layla?

Finally John showed up. Cena explained that he didn't know anything about what happened and that this weren't his friends who were sexually harassing me.

The Wrestlers and Divas conmmitted to laugh.

I just don't have a clue what's happening and why they're laughing..I'm just too tired to care.

I went to my room and to my bed to sleep

What a great day I should spend more time with Randy. Randy Orton.. Amy Orton..that sounds weird..Isn't Orton a cool surname? Ok Amy just shut up and fall asleep..

I was about to fall asleep but then I received a call...

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