Me:Bitch get tf off my brother

I grab her by hey hair and throw all face shots. I was dragging thAt bitch ever where. I finally let go and me King And the boys left.

I'm mad asf this birch bit my tittie. I look at King and he was still red.

Me: Baby can you drop me off at home

King: Yea

I drop my off at home and my dad wasn't there. I walked in the house and my "Mom" was in the living room

Mom:Where tf you coming from

Me: school

Mom: why you lying

Me: I was at school

She got up and got one of my dad think ass belts and it was the ones with the diamonds in it. She started hitting my and everything. She hit my in my face and then she start punching me. This went in for seen like in Hour. When she was done I could barely get up. I Finally got to my room.

And call my dad


Me:Help me daddy I'm at the house and that just beat me daddy I keep coughing up blood Daddy Hel-

She came in my room and started punching me again. She stop and walk out to the. I was coughing up blood and I couldn't feel anything.

My daddy came and pick me up. He put me in his car he held my hand the whole way there. I was still coughing up blood.

We finally get they and they too my in right away.


A lot of shit was going thru my head. King was yup here and his ass just shaking.

I was Whitney would do this. That's wen it hit me that, that was Alex Whitney twin sister. Alex was always liked me and she was mad that I was I was with Whitney.

I cannot believe she would do this to my baby girl she's in pain she landed a hospital bed fighting for her life. Why was she beat her niece I can see that she like me but would she beat her niece is she the fucking crazy..Yea.


I cannot believe this My girlfriend is laying in the hospital bed fighting for her life I feel like it's my fault I should never dropped her off at home.

We've at the hospital for four hours the doctor still haven't came out. I hope she ok.


I'm in is much pain my body just feel like I been hit by a buss. I can't believe that my so call mom would beat me. It seem like I been here for ever.

Finally the door opens and I see my dad and King. They both sat down on the bed. I looked at my dad and tear slid down from my eyes.

Me:That's not the lady you told me you fell in love with.

Dad: Baby I'm so sorry I should have knew that she wasn't your mom because your mom had a scar on her left arm. But that was her twin sister.

Me:daddy you didn't know. How long have I been here?

Dad:A day

Me: ohh ok, but can you go get my doctor.


After my dad got up and went to go find my doctor. King just kept saying he sorry

Me: Baby it isn't your fault.

King: Yes it is u should have let you should have just let you stay with me.

Me: Baby I promise it's not your Fault.

He got up and came over and Kiss me. I was ready to go home and just shut down. I know that I going to be in my room a lot. I don't think that I'm pretty anymore. Why did this Happen to me.

My dad came back in the room with the doctor. I am ready to go home and just cry.

Doc: Hey I'm  glad to see that you are up.

Dad: Umm she really don't want to talk so when can she leave

Doc: She can leave now but I need for her to take these pills

Dad: ok

My dad got the pills and King grab my stuff and help me up.

Me: Ahh

King: Baby I'm sorry

Me: Baby it's ok

We walk out the hospital And got in the car

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