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The Fire was getting worse. Ash was flying everywhere. Finn just stood there to terifide to even cry. Everyone  started thinking that Rachel must have been dead by now. And to be honest he was starting too think that aswel. News Reporters were covering the area. Some came up to Finn but he would only answer by shaking his head yes or no.

Lutenit Cory Montieth's pov.
I stood there starting to think over my options 'stay here and be safe and marry my fiance Lea Michele or save this poor young girl'

Then the head fireman yelled at us for leaving someone in the building. Then I ran into the entrance and the Head Fireman yelled at me and said "THIS SCHOOL IS GOING TO CALAPSE IN 5MINS. It's not safe!"
But I ran in the school anyway I can't leave anyone behind. It's my job. I ran in that bathroom and searched for the girl and there was no girl I went to the next bathroom were I heard sobbing I ran in there and then she collapsed I picked her up and ran out of there.

Finn's pov.
After I heard about the school collapsing in 5mins. I ran to the building and tried to get in but puck and a different fireman pulled me back. Then I was angry.
"Dude calm down some guy just ran in there to save her there's a slight chance she may live" Puck assured Finn.

Hi Fellow Fangirls
I'm once again sorry that my chapter is soooooo short! But hey... 'It ain't my fault'
What up song reference!

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