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Finn Pov.

I can't believe Rachel! She actually cheated on me. I thought she loved me!

Rachel pov.

I never Cheated on Finn he has got it all wrong I am in love with him!

Rachel was sitting at the table at the park waiting for finn, so they can go on there date at breadsticks. When Rachels cousin that she hadn't seen in ages ran up to her.
"Oh my God! Rachel is that you" Tom said.
"TOM!" She smiled and gave him a hug.
Then tom kissed her on the cheek.
"Whats wrong" Tom asked her wifh a concerned look on his face.
"It's just that Finn and I's anniversary is today and He's late" Rachels eyes started to well up with tears.
"It's okay Rachel I'm sure he is coming. He probably had to do something"
"But...What if he forgot...maby he doesn't love me" By now the tears started running down her face.
"Its okay" Tom said and hugged her.
"I have too go" and Rachel hugged Tom and tom kissed her cheek.
Finn was  watching this all from he's car all he was thinking was
*is rachel cheating on me*
Then he seen Tom kiss rachels cheek.
Then Finn got angry REALLY angry and jumped out of he's car and punched Tom in the face then he looked at Rachel as she was screaming at Finn. Finn started to tear up. And Rachel went quiet and tried to hold Finn's Hand but he pulled away then he yelled really loud with hert in his voice.
The rachel looked at him confused.
"I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Finn yelled and stormed off and drove off.
Rachel helped Tom up and apologized for Finn. Then she ran off crying.

Rachels pov.
I want to talk to Finn! I miss him so much and he has no idea that that was my cousin.

Finn's pov.
I am still really pissed at Rachel. She is so Horible..and beautiful and her smile could light up the world....STOP IT FINN.

Nobody's pov.
Rachel stomped up to Finns locker and tried to look him in the eye but he ignored her completely.  Then she yelled
Then everyone started to stare
"Then what were you doing with that boy?!"
"I THOUGHT YOU TRUSTED ME FINN! THE GUY WAS MY COUSIN WE HAVEN'T SEEN EACHOTHER SINCE WE WERE 5YRS OLD" and Finn's mouth dropped he was in shock. Then Rachel stormed off before finn could say anything.

He just stood there for about 5mins until he heard the fire alarm.....
To be continued....

Hi guys😊
Please comment if you want me to continue this book and if you are, sorry for for leaving you on a cliff hanger😂

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