I took a step back; even though I was the "leader" of these guys too, I was still taken aback by their anger. Especially from Moo. However strange his name was, he was the chill, laid back type of guy and was usually friendly. To see this anger from him was strange and to be quite honest... a bit scary.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Moo cut me off. "Same with me. Hell, there's no one in the world that I've trusted more in all of my existence. He'd risk his life to protect each and every single one of his men, and believe me, he has."

Terroriser added, "You want to know when? On a heist that went wrong, Vanoss ran through a burning and collapsing building to reach Delirious who had been pinned under a piece of wood. After that, he carried him through the fire to safety." He took a step closer so that he was right up in my face. "Vanoss is always loyal to his men, and we all trust him with our lives, just like he trusts us with his. So, the next time," Terroriser spat, "you say that you don't trust him, just think about what I said. Because disrespecting the trust of our leader sickens me." With those words still echoing in my ears, Terroriser spun on his heel and stormed up the stairs to the rooms.

I stood there stunned. He's right, I thought as I watched him go up the stairs, Vanoss has been truthful... and the way he treats and takes care of his crew... Moo was still standing there. Before I could say anything though, he spoke quietly, "You know, he trusts you. So why can't you just trust him?" And just like that, he left too.

'Why can't you trust him?' I remained standing there for a minute before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Kat with a concerned expression on her face. "Are you okay?" Kat asked, pursing her lips.

'Why can't you trust him?' I took a shaky breath, before giving a nod. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine. I just need a minute." She nodded and went back to her post behind the front desk.

Sam replaced her and took my arm. "Come on Haley," she murmured, "let's just go get you some rest." I was about to object, but then I realized just how mentally and emotionally taxing my little run in with Terroriser and Moo was. Nodding, I allowed her to lead me by the arm to the base of the stairs. Just as we were about to climb them, however, Scotty burst through the front door; he seemed like he was about to panic.

"Quick, has anyone seen Lui?!" Scotty frantically asked, scanning the room, "Where is he?"

Lui poked his head out of the armory. "I'm right here. What's going on?"

"It's Vanoss," Scotty hurridly explained, wringing his hands. "We saw him down the block through a pair of binoculars. He's being tailed by a group of six zombies and..." He paused for a moment when he saw me standing by the stairs. "It looks like Bobby's hurt."

When Scotty said that, I felt my blood run cold. Bobby was hurt? The world seemed to fade away to a background noise; I was faintly aware of Lui running for his medkit and Kat leaving with Scotty to go and help out Vanoss. But none of that mattered to me. Bobby was hurt, and it was all Vanoss' fault.

'Why can't you trust him?'

Because he always lets me down.


Evan's POV

I can't go on, I wearily thought as I continued to walk down the street. At the end of it I could see the base, standing tall like a majestic castle and on top of it, I could see tiny shapes. The people who were on guard duty. Safety.

But I was so tired. I can't go on.

I immediately shoved that thought out of my mind. Almost there Evan. It's right down the street, I reminded myself. Don't give up. But my back was killing me, my wound was screaming in pain and I was so tired. I could hear the groans and growls of the zombies that were behind me, hungry for the blood coursing through Bobby and me. I could smell their rotten and festering flesh as they stumbled right behind us, eager to sink their teeth into our flesh and bone. Bobby was still clinging on to life, but just barely. I needed to get him home.

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