I smirked as she unbolted the door and opened it.

"Hello, Pretty Penny..." I said, my voice dripping with seductiveness.

"H... Hi T.... Talon." Her voice stuttered and her cheeks tinted red.

She opened the door and let me in.

"Reece! Come see our new friend!" She called out.

A little blonde girl with blue eyes raced across her apartment.

"Hey there sweetie! I'm Talon!"

"Are you Penny's boyfriend?" She asked, looking back and forth between Pen and me.

"No he's not!" Penny almost shouted.

"Yet..." I added and winked at her.

She rolled her eyes, but I could see her blushing.

"Penny, is he the guy you have pictures of in your room? And is he the one who you talk about all of the time? How do you think he's cute?"

I look over to Penny, "Is this true?"

"Uhh.. uh..." She blushed and looked away.

"You said you were going to play dolls with me Penny! Do you want to play too?" Reece interrupted, glaring at me.

"Dolls? Not really my kind of thi.." My sentence was stopped by the little girl's tugging on mine and Penny's arms.

She shrugged and we both let her drag us to the dollhouse Reece had set up.

Penny's POV:

We knelt on the hardwood floors.

"Here." Reece handed me a HQ Agent special edition Penny Brown doll.

I didn't know a doll that looked like me even existed!

"This one looks like you!" She said as she handed my enemy a MAD Henchman Talon Claw doll.

I couldn't help but laugh as he glared at his new toy.

Reece then took two dolls for herself, one was a man, his claw was the only thing distinguishable. The second was a little girl, about 12 years old, and had dark black hair with a streak of purple. Reece liked that one the best.

"What are we supposed to do with these?" Talon looked at his replica, disgusted.

"You play pretend, dummy. Penny's the good princess and you are the evil prince!"

"Uhh... what are we supposed to say?" I ask.

"You have to go to a ball with the bad guy, but really its just a Talon doll." The little girl piped up.

"Wait a sec, I'm holding a doll that is myself?" Talon questioned Reece.

"Wait, you're evil? You are Talon?" Reece raises her eyebrows and motions to Talon. "Penny! Put him in jail or something!"

"We have a truce." Talon filled her in for me. 

"What's a truce?"

"It's when a bad guy and a good guy don't fight for a day."

"So they can kiss?" She made smoochy faces and kissing sounds.

"Penny and Talon sitting in a tree..."

I look over to Talon who is stunned, but secretly enjoying the song.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes.."

I held my hands over my ears and interrupted her, "Lalalala can't hear you!"

I childishly spoke and Talon winked. "It's okay Reece, she just can't accept the truth! She's in love with me!"

Halloween Talenny One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now