Reaping Day

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I open my eyes to the blinding sun. I hear light breathing from the other side of the bed. I turn over and stare at Annie. She's paralyzed with fear from a nightmare. This doesn't happen too often, but today's the Reaping for the Quarter Quell. I wake her up and she starts sobbing hysterically. I hold her against me. After a few minutes, she draws back. She starts stroking my hair.

"I love you Finny."

"I love you too, Ocean Girl." She smiles that beautiful smile of hers. We have a few hours to kill before the Reaping, so we head down to the beach and stare at the ocean. All of a sudden, she dumps sand on me. I chase her, and then grab her and dunk her in the water. She laughs and I sigh, wishing this could last forever. We walk to the Square and go up on stage. Our escort pulls the girl's name. Please let it be anybody but Annie. Please let it be anybody.....

"Annie Cresta." Annie starts crying again, harder then this morning. No. I can't let Annie in the arena again. Not after what happened last time. I look at Mags, my mentor. Before I know it, she volunteers in Annie's place. Mags going in is pretty much the same as Annie going in. She's not just my mentor, she's half my family.

"And now, for the boys." She draws a slip of paper and says,

"Oh no. The male tribute is........Finnick Odair." Annie stares at me, frozen. I wish somebody would volunteer, but they probably think I want to save Mags. Which I do, but I also don't want to die, for Annie's sake. The peacekeepers lead us away. I sit in the Justice Building, knowing my only visitor will be Annie. She bursts in the room, crying again.

"Shh, it'll be alright." I whisper softly while hugging her.

"Finny, I can't lose you. Don't go."

"I'm sorry Annie. But I have too."

"Your time is up." The Peacekeepers say and drag her away. I leave the Justice Building and wait for the train to arrive.

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