"Any good powers?"Malfoy yelled out. Percy smirked and held out his hand towards the lake and made a fist. Some of the water rose up and formed a fist along with his hand. He let it go, and stepped back, saying, "That good enough?"

The blonde girl stepped up. "Hello, I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy." She pulled out a blue baseball cap and a dagger (AN: I know she lost hers in Tartarus but they gave her a new one so yeah). I didn't know how the baseball cap would do anything, but I kept quiet. She put the cap on and disappeared. She reappeared 2 minutes later on Percy's back, which explains why he was acting weird a moment ago. He laughed. "Thanks for the warning, sweetheart."

She laughed too. "No problem."

Were they a couple?

The blonde guy cleared his throat. "You done?"

Annabeth jumped off Percy's back.

The guy turned to us." So um, yeah. I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Zeus' Roman form. And since we are apparently showing our powers-" he glared at Percy, who waved at him and smiled-"I can do this." He concentrated, then suddenly floated up off the ground a small amount. Gasps rang through the crowd. He stood firmly on the ground again and cleared his throat. "So yeah. I can also control lightning, but uh, I think I've shocked you enough for today." As Jason stepped back, Percy started laughing. Jason turned to him."What?"

"You-you said 'shocked you enough' when you were talking about lightning!"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Wow, fish head."

Percy stepped towards him and opened his mouth, but Annabeth held him back. She gestured to the girl who rode with Jason. "Continue."

The girl stepped forward. "I'm Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite. I can make people do what I want, by talking in a certain way."

Malfoy snickered and looked at Crabbe and Goyle. Piper's eyes flashed with anger. "What's your name?" She asked him.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Well, Draco, could you go jump in that lake?"

Malfoy looked like he wanted to protest, but- as if he was a puppet- walked over and jumped in. His cronies ran over and pulled him out, soaking wet. He glared at Piper and charged at her. She smiled sweetly and pulled out a dagger. He skidded to a stop.

"Believe me now, Malfoy?" She asked.

He glared at her in response. Annabeth put her hand on Piper's shoulder and muttered something. Piper stepped back and motioned to the guy who had made fun of our robes. He stepped up.

"Hey, I'm Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus. I, uh, I'm resistant to fire, and can actually summon it." To prove it, his hand caught fire. When he extinguished it, he showed us his unharmed hand.

He stepped back and the Asian boy stepped up. He waved awkwardly.

"Hi. I'm Frank Zhang, Son of Mars, Ares' Roman form. My special power is that I, uh, I can shape-shift." Then he turned into a lion and roared, then turned back. He stepped back and the last person stepped forward.

"I'm Hazel Levesque, Daughter of Pluto, Hades' Roman form. My special power is really more of a curse. I can summon jewels-" everyone gasped-"but they are cursed. So don't touch them."

She raised her hand and concentrated. Suddenly a bunch of gold nuggets appeared around her feet.

"Lucky there was gold around here, huh?" Leo said.

She sighed and sank the gold back in the ground. "Yeah. Lucky."

McGonagall turned to us. "Alright students, into the Great Hall. It's Lunchtime, and we have to Sort the demigods. Mr. Potter, would you kindly get the Sorting Hat from my office?"

I nodded and started towards her office, leaving the rest of the school behind.

After I retrieved the Hat, I ran to the Great Hall and got there just as McGonagall asked the demigods to come to the front. They walked up from the back of the Great Hall awkwardly. I delivered the Sorting Hat and sat at the Gryffindor Table to watch.

"Chase, Annabeth!"

Annabeth walked up and sat on the stool.


Annabeth POV

When I sat on the stool and put the hat on my head, I became really nervous.

Suddenly I heard a small voice in my ear that was the hat.

"Hmm... very smart, you could be in Ravenclaw. Oh, what's this? Fought in two wars? Took a knife for a certain...Percy Jackson? Definitely a GRYFFINDOR!" I heard him shout the last word to the whole room. I stood and took off the hat. I looked for a moment and found the table cheering the loudest, jogging to it. I sat at the end of the table and watched the others get Sorted.


Jason POV


I shakily sat on the stool. And then the hat started talking to me.

"Hmm...took on a Titan all by yourself? Slayer of a sea monster? Faced a giant? Better be GRYFFINDOR!" I stood, took off the hat, and jogged towards Annabeth.

"Jackson, Perseus!"

As he walked up, Percy tripped. All of the demigods laughed.


Percy POV

I sat on the stool and slipped the hat on.

"Hmm.... Definitely not a Ravenclaw, not at all a genius..."


"Sorry my boy, anyway...GRYFFINDOR!" I took off the hat and jogged to sit beside Annabeth.

"Levesque, Hazel!"

Hazel walked up and slipped on the hat. It didn't even hesitate. "GRYFFINDOR!"

Hazel jogged over to us and sat.

"McLean, Piper!"

Piper walked up and put the hat on. Again, no hesitation. "GRYFFINDOR!"She jogged over and sat.

"Valdez, Leo!"

He sat on the stool.



"Hmm....could be a Hufflepuff..."

Let me be with my friends.

"Oh, you want to be with your friends? I don't blame you. I once had a best friend, he was a fedora.... Oh never mind. GRYFFINDOR!" I sighed with relief and jogged over as Frank was called up.

"Zhang, Fai!"

He turned red and walked up. As soon as it touched his head..."GRYFFINDOR!" He grinned and raced over here to sit down.

"Eat!" McGonagall waved a wand stick thing and a fireplace appeared for us, while food appeared on all the plates.


Percy POV

After sacrificing food, we dug in.

"So," I said to Harry about ten minutes later, "You guys just finished a war?" I took a bite of pizza.

He nodded. "Trade stories later?"

I nodded and turned back to my pizza.

Maybe Hogwarts wouldn't be so bad.


AN: xD this took TOO long to update haha sorry. Long chapter though so you forgive me right buddy? -Elbows playfully-

QOTC: What is the first thing Percy heard Annabeth say?

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