physically or intellectual

Start from the beginning

just as he caught up to her they were spotted by the others

I didn't mean it like that

yeah you did

your just snappy because I am actually doing what you want to do

oh look here we go rubbing it in

well its true you know its worse that your lying to everyone especially Nikki and then you will say again I am doing it for Nicole but truth is no your not!

"HOW DARE YOU!" slaps roman everyone gasps Renee and Kevin grab brie while Seth and dean take roman


"no way!"

you know what here lets make this easier now shall we brie and I have secretly been taking an extra course!!!



Well YOU CAN BELIEVE!!!! THAT" roman yells and storms off

brie let a frustrated scream and heads the other way

"what the heck just happened!" Seth asks the other puzzled people

MY SISTERS NEVER BEEN GOOD UNDER PRESSURE!" Nicole hissed and runs after brie

"I do not feel comfortable about this situation" Renee layed her head on deans shoulder

we will go talk to

wait maybe I could try

your a girl and if roman feels like he's going to punch something id rather it be one of us dean insisted

just cause im a girl?

alright fine... Seth go with Paige and Kevin after brie and Nicole

"on it.." they split up

with brie and Nicole

brie sitting on the bench when Nicole storms over to her

"I cant believe you slapped roman! and do not say he deserved because you and I both know that's not true at all" Nicole ranted

"shut up Nikki.. for once just stay out of my business" brie said and leaves

the other 3 walk by

ill go get her Paige says

um yeah ill go two Kevin follows Paige

its starting again... Nicole cried

"what has?" Seth says guiding Nicole to the bench

this is what drove me to leave with Jo... she paused

Seth gave her a sincere smile and the wraps her in his arms "its okay Nicole you can say his name once you do you know you can restart your life" Seth whispers

"once I left with jo..john the first time"

"well this times different first because if I know one thing about siblings you will fight them but you will fight for them all the time no matter what.. and 2 you don't just have you sister anymore you have 6 more people to add to the list that love you and care about you" seth says


seth coughs "yeah the girls Renee loves you girls to bits"

"right... I never thought about that part" Nicole tells him the two stay in the same posisition for awhile

with brie and Paige

brie wait!

not you two Paige

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