☆'moving houses'☆

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"I'll miss you so much y'know," spoke Alice. Followed by a "same" from my best friend Maia.
"What are we all going to do without you?" She said,
"I don't know? The same as always?" I replied with a small giggle.
"Are you all packed?"

I couldn't believe I was moving. I'll be the only one to speak like this. That was my main concern, I wanted to fit in not stand out. As I took a few steps to my front door I felt arms wrap round me, Maia hugged me tight as I struggle to step out the door.
"Please don't go!" She said hugging me tighter.
"I have to!" I replied.
As much as I didn't want to i had to. Maia and Alice walked me to my car as I hopped to the further seat to make room for my sister.
as my sister closes the door maia and Alice shout 'I love you!' At the same time. As my dad starts up the car I wave goodbye to my best friends.

As I sit in the back of the packed car I pull out my new iPhone7+ in rose gold I got for my birthday last month and began my playlist that consisted of Beyoncé only. As irreplaceable starts to play I feel a tug strong enough to pull out my earphone, "are you excited to move?" Asked my little sister, I replied with a simple shrug and put my earphone back in. Amy turns back around to face the window as she pulls out her colouring book.

We turn at a sign saying liverpool and drive for tem minutes or so before reaching our new street, as I turn around and look at the surrounding houses I look in astonishment. The houses were massive, much bigger than my old. The car pulls into a large drive and I look up to see our house. I was amazed. The house was stunning, I loved it, we were clearly in the pricey part of liverpool.

I open the car door and follow it with a slam, I began to be handed bags of my belongings and told to find my room quick before Amy did. As my dad opens the front door I quickly ran upstairs and chose the spacious room with a long mirrored wardrobe lining one wall of the room. I dropped my bags and gave a loud sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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