5. Reality check

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Upon awakening Baen was overtaken by memories of making out with Kaden. How else could you call it? A kiss lasted a minute, tops. He had indulged himself in kissing the seductive lips of Kaden for at least fifteen minutes. Shamelessly, he had clung to the man and without thinking about place and position had taken what he so long craved. Every thought struck him painfully, but to his surprise it didn't elicited a state of panic.

At the breakfast table Leon listened patiently to his rattling roommate. As always, he cut trough the waterfall of words.

"What causes you more problems?" He asked point blank. "That he witnessed your panic attack or that he kissed you?"

"How could he do this to me? What must he think of me?" Baen cried desperately.

"Ahem!", Leon cleared his throat. "Your missing something important."

He looked expectantly at Baen, who just shrugged his shoulders despairingly.

"I have a lot on my mind at the moment. It would be very helpful if you could just tell me."

"He stopped your attack!"

He stared bewildered at Leon.

"Without the assistance of medicines or other resources. Faster too," Leon added, grinning.

Baen shook his head.

"I don't want to think about it," was his evasive remark.

"Okay", Leon immediately agreed and changed the subject.

However, the situation wouldn't leave him alone. Just before he went to work he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Did he say anything when he brought me back yesterday?"

'What answer was he hoping to hear?'

Leon rubbed his hands gloating.

"Take care of my little bean," he growled imitating the deep voice of Kaden.

A blush rose to Baens cheeks.

'How could he use that awful nickname in front of Leon? Wasn,t it bad enough that he had to use public transport because his car was still in the car park of the hotel?'

To his great surprise he saw Kaden outside his apartment building leaning casually against his car and watching him with a friendly smile.

"Good morning, Baen. Since it was my fault that you're without transport, I came to get you. Rest assured, I won't make a habit of it."

With his fingers crossed behind his back he held the door open for Baen.

His body obeyed where his head stuttered. Before he knew it they drove away together. The physical presence of Kaden was overwhelming. Because he was unable to give himself a relaxed posture he just silently stared out the window.

"If it's oke with you I need to make another stop before going to the hotel."


"Bailey has overslept this morning and had to skip his breakfast so he wouldn't be late for work. Since this was also my fault, I wanted to surprise him with a bagle and a cup of coffee."

Kaden saw the rigid posture and heard a slight hitch in his breathing, but otherwise there was no response from his silent passenger.

Standing at the deli he fought back a curse. 'What a stupid move! Why did he make the presence of Bailey in his life so obvious to Baen?'

The reason of Baileys sleepless night was the extensive conversation they had yesterday. He had resolutely put an end to their on/off relationship. After tasting the sweet lips of his beloved Bean there was no turning back.

Baen processed the words of Kaden with difficulty. Clearly the man indicated that a repeat of yesterday wasn't desirable. That any kind of relationship was ruled out. Outwardly calm, he kept his cool attitude and relied on his many years of experience when entering the hotel to take up his work.

"I'll come after lunch with the planning of next week."

Kaden caught the relief Baen showed when he turned and walked away from him. Letting him go was a conscious choice. In the elevator yesterday Baen had shown a passion he hadn't thought possible. It fueld his desire only more. But in the cool light of morning it was time for a reality check.

Baen was a damaged man. He was well aware of the fact. Living with that damage was a challenge for Baen, but also for his environment. Despite his demanding restrictions he had gathered a circle of people around him who supported him unconditionally.

That's what he wanted to be for Baen. Someone he could rely on unconditionally.

Only he had no idea how he could convey this. His only option was to approach him through their shared love for the hotel. Together they could build for the future.

Charlene Holt saw the look on her son's face towards the runaway Baen and laughed to herself.

She had heard of the elevator incident and congratulated herself with the positive development. Everything ran smoothly.

The whole place was buzzing with gossip that morning. With the exception of a crestfallen Bailey everyone seemed favorable to the possible romance between Kaden Holt and Baen Maddox.

But where happiness reigns, evil is lurking.

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