4. A helping hand, er...I mean kiss.

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Kaden looked forward to the moment when he could spend time with Baen without the intervention of others. Almost pouting he realized how extensive the task of the assistant to the assistant of the director was. Now he felt the added pressure to get to work himself. It didn't seem fair to him to demand the attention of Baen without putting anything in return. He was determined to pick up his duties as soon as possible.

His mother looked at him, pleased.

"I'm glad to hear that you want to go to work as quickly as possible. You realize however, I hope, that I have to put you in middle managment until your knowledge of the business has grown larger."

Kaden cursed under his breath. There went his plan! Or maybe ...?

"Indeed, I believe it is an advantage to know the business inside out. Who do you think is most suitable to accompany me in my journey to the top?" he blinked innocently.

With an economical smile she gave in to his silent request.

"Treat him correctly, otherwise you'll have me to deal with, Kaden and I mean that a 1000%!"

Kaden knew he had a reputation as a playboy and frankly not entirely undeserved, but after college he had a variety of jobs. All obtained on his own title, without having to make use of his family name or connections. It was his way of honoring his parents and grandparents who had built this legacy with their own hands. Now it was his turn to leave his mark on the company. He also hoped that the man on whose door he knocked would be a part of this. Professionally and personally.

Baen looked up from his computer.

"Sorry, it's already time for our appointment?"

He hurriedly gathered his iPad and a small stack of folders.

"Has mrs. Holt explained what were going to be doing?"

Baen risked a glance at the attractive man who casually swept a hand through his jet-black hair. It fell back perfectly.

"I hope I don't keep you from more important things," Kaden commented without looking at him.

"The tour is not complete. The staff would complain to me if they did not get the chance to show their department."

He may have said it dryly, but it was really the truth. Yesterday his phone had been ringing off the hook with disappointed hotel staff.

With growing pride Baen watched everyone getting wrapped up by the charismatic heir. The man was better informed than he had expected and now took pleasure with his place in the background. The side that he saw now was so different from his tormentor from the past three years.

'Was this due to maturity? Or the responsibility that his family demanded from him?'

Another option floated teasingly in his head. Kaden had arranged a job for a boy of nineteen, who was allegedly his lover. No earth-shattering news, but he didn't like it. Distressed he felt his agitation growing. Why was everything Kaden did or failed to do so important to him? The man was responsible for his own success and failure. Right?

His breathing quickened. The reasonable voice of his mind was working against the strong emotions that swept through his body.

'Oh, shit!'

This was exactly what he couldn't use at this time. Just keep it together. There was just one stop and then he could return to the safety of his office.

Kaden noticed that his silent companion struggled. Because he didn't know what to do and didn't want to make the situation worse by informing after it, he thought it best to complete the tour as soon as possible. Fortunately everyone worked with exemplary efficiency.

Two determined men walked to the elevator.

Many people talk about fate. In this case, you can reduce fate to a simple fuse that malfunctioned on the wrong (or if you want, right) moment.

With a slight plop the elevator stoped. The two residents looked at each other in surprise. The panic on Baen's face revealed itself immediately.

"You try to call the technical service," Kaden suggested. "Then I look for contact by the panel."

"It is a problem that only affects our lift. They come as soon as possible," Baen was able to squeeze out before the phone slipped from his cold fingers.

Kaden could now experience firsthand what his mother always warned him about. Frankly, he had always imagined hysterical scenes. Faced with the reality he felt helpless. Large azure eyes stared blankly ahead. Baens smooth white skin was clammy with sweat and had a dirty gray color. His breathing was agitated and his heartbeat greatly accelerated. In an action, just as misguided as inappropriate, Kaden stood before him and took him in his arms. When Baen froze and frantically tried to disengage from the embrace, Kaden lifted his chin and demanded his lips. 

Baen lay helpless in his arms. His body betrayed him. First to hyperventilate and now by accepting the delectable kisses from Kaden. He seemed to completely melt. All worries flowed out of him. The environment had disappeared around him. In the distance he recorded the doors being pulled open before an irresistible languor pulled him to the floor.

Baen was unaware at that time of the gossip that needed only five minutes to disperse through the hotel after Kaden had lifted him from the elevator to his car and brought him home.

Kaden lowered him gently on the bed. A quick check showed him that his heart rate and respiration were normal. With his thumb he tenderly wiped along the full lips he had kissed with so much pleasure.

"You're more than I ever dreamed, Bean. See you tomorrow."

The shy guy (gay) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن