Chapter 1

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Clara's POV.
Hi! I'm Clara West, I'm 17 and now I am eating lunch with my best friend at the mall...

Clara: well, how was life?
Ella: not good.
Clara: why?
Ella: well, you know boyfriends problem, Jake always not at home, he always hanging out with his friends.
Katherine: well, why you didn't talk to him?
Clara: yeah.
Ella: if I talk to him he always say " later babe" I hate that when he said that.
Clara: so what are you planing?
Ella: I was planing to break up with him...
Katherine: well good luck with that and guys I have to go now my mom message me to make some apple pie for dinner..
Clara: I gotta go too, see you Ell.

When I went home I saw my door was open but I remembered that I closed it already, well that was strange... I went inside and saw 3 guys with black outfit and black mask...

Clara: WHO ARE YOU!?!?

I was about to get my phone to call 911 but one of them run to me and pushed me to the wall and everything went black
With the 3 guys ~~
Guy1 : let's bring to boss.
Guy2: come on

They bring Clara in a black van and they drove to an old building that burned 20 years ago. And they bring Clara to the highest floor

Guy1: hey boss, here she is..
???: good you can go now.

Clara's POV.
I wake with headache and I am in the dark

Clara: HELLO?!?!
???: well well well, who do we got here

How was it?
Tell me in the comments😘😜😘😜

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